Do you wear a mask when you ride?

It’s been sad watching some politicians who peddled conspiracy theories about COVID literally die from the disease. It’s a shame some people believe they were born MDs when they clearly do not have a head into their shoulders.
I don't know anyone who is denying it can be deadly . But come-on . I've seen articles where severe depression leading to suicide over Covid related fear, loss of job or life business . Is far worse then Covid itself. Plus they just aren't telling things honestly . Take for example the vaccine is 95% effective So still wear a mask. The Flu Vaccines are 78% effective . Which is true. It seems like on average 1-2 people who get teh flu shot get sick anyway . I've never had a flu shot. .
And people need to chill : Nobody is being careless with Covid. But Living in a Grip of Fear over is really seems to be what they are attempting to instill . Of course you have to understand teh End Game . Covid was a disaster the Globalist, Big Bankers etc couldn't afford to pass up. 9/11 didn't work , Isis didn't work , Climate Change didn't work , Covid has for the most part worked to bring teh world together Gripped in Fear .
Quite Frankly I am more concerned since Covid really hasn't done teh job quite as well as they wanted . What is Coming next . It's not conspiracy when you can see the pattern . Plus I already see people like myself who speak out . Are being branded as Domestic Terrorists , AKA Christian Nationalists aka the crazy people who don't care about others because we think God protects us . Which he actually does . Not from Covid . From Fear Which doesn't mean I don't wear a mask when appropriate , Doesn't mean I don't respect distance or wash my hands . But I'm not going to wear a mask riding a bike or outside doing anything . Just so someone coming the other way can stop stroking out .

So wear a mask if you want . But quit saying people like me don't care or are spinning conspiracy . That claim in itself is the real conspiracy
Your soon gonna start having much bigger problems then that. The damage covid-19 has had on the economy is not getting talked about. Both at the state and local levels. Savings are exhausted. There are eviction moratoriums, states are in financial distress, businesses are on the brink, high unemployment numbers, trillion dollar stimulus packages. New legislation regarding a mandated $15 min wage, state bailouts, and student debt forgiveness. No one is talking about these things. These cost money that we don't have.

Yet, it is only a matter of time before these become front and center.

It was a nice day out yesterday. I went out for a ride in the morning and had lots of company on the road, and played a couple sets of Tennis with a friend in the afternoon. No masking. Social distancing? Yeah, that's pretty much no longer in play. People are just fatigued and tired of Government forcing them to stay indoors unless its essential to be outdoors. Most people are no longer listening.
You capitalize the word "Government" as though it is a person or a class. It is not.

You people who say there is no masking up (and I'm not talking about when engaged in athletic endeavors) or social distancing - - where do you live? Where we live, out in the country in western Washington State, if you can't keep 6' away outdoors, people mask up. If you go indoors anywhere, you mask up. In the cities here, people are masked up. Where on earth do you live?
Your soon gonna start having much bigger problems then that. The damage covid-19 has had on the economy is not getting talked about. Both at the state and local levels. Savings are exhausted. There are eviction moratoriums, states are in financial distress, businesses are on the brink, high unemployment numbers, trillion dollar stimulus packages. New legislation regarding a mandated $15 min wage, state bailouts, and student debt forgiveness. No one is talking about these things. These cost money that we don't have.

Yet, it is only a matter of time before these become front and center.

It was a nice day out yesterday. I went out for a ride in the morning and had lots of company on the road, and played a couple sets of Tennis with a friend in the afternoon. No masking. Social distancing? Yeah, that's pretty much no longer in play. People are just fatigued and tired of Government forcing them to stay indoors unless its essential to be outdoors. Most people are no longer listening.
The internet has just made unintelligent people think they're experts because their ideas get reinforced from niche weird corners of the internet. It's sad.
Some people yeah . I'm just saying use some common sense . I just met a woman not an hour ago . She told me her daughter got stage one of teh vaccine. 10 days later she woke up with pimples all over her faces chests arms and hands . Now 2 weeks later the pimples are dimed size sores . Full of puss. She has been to 5 doctors all at her own expense . Their only answer is maybe getting the 2nd phase of the vaccine will straighten this out . Obviously her immune system wouldn't accept what they injected in her . More importantly WHy isn't this on the NEWS . At least locally > How many others are affected in similar ways ? I'm sure not saying I'm an expert . I'm simply saying if you rewind your memory . What they told us in March 2020 didn't line up to what they told us in July 2020 . What they are claiming in Feb 2021 doesn't line up with either March or July . They keep changing the story . It's a serious illness . But for less then 1/10 of 1/2 of .001 %.
The Whole focus from the Media is to make you fearful . ANd to make anyone who questions anything out to be Lunatics' . In AMerica they are saying Christians are the Problem . Claiming Christian's who love America are the enemy of teh State . Claiming Christian Conservatives are Unscientific . All of which is just the opposite .
WHether you agree that killing an unborn baby is immoral or not . When the science and Photo's shows there's a microscopic tiny little human being at 6 months . Those who deny that aren't considering the science . Simply because then they'd have to admit what their want to allow is murder . Not of their babies but yours .

I mention this because the same people are the ones pushing the Covid Fear factor . WHy would you believe liars about anything .

Before 1400 AD there was a lot of Lepers . It was Highly contagious . They didn't close down the world and make everyone cover their bodies and faces . They moved Lepers into communities . Every single illness this is what has alway been done . You care for the sick and guarantee them. We didn't punish the healthy like we are with Covid
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Im no MD neither is the government. There the ones telling me to mask up. Along with the MD they ask for advice. He dont no either. None of them care about the American people there to busy fighting amongst themselves. They all need to be fired.
That happening would be a miracle : Although I think in America we are on the verge of something happening
Here's what I've gathered about the vaccines. They're a new technology. Something that hasn't ever been used before. They don't don't keep you from getting infected, they don't keep you from spreading it, but they DO reduce your reaction to the virus, virtually eliminating your chances of ending up in an ICU, on a ventilator, or dead.

IF i get a vaccine at all, I'm going to wait for the J&J, as it appears to be the better choice of the two technologies that have been developed.

Vast conspiracy? I guess that makes it easier to accept what's happening for some people, which is fine. Every spectrum has to have two ends. Hopefully in a few years it'll be a time that people just don't want to talk about anymore.

I ride without a mask because it's really weird. I am not going to be closer than 10' I guess I could be infectious to a car when stopped at a stop light but most times I roll into the slot on the back bumper and leave space.
I also don't wear a mask walking the dog.
I ride without a mask because it's really weird. I am not going to be closer than 10' I guess I could be infectious to a car when stopped at a stop light but most times I roll into the slot on the back bumper and leave space.
I also don't wear a mask walking the dog.

Duration of exposure also plays a role. Nobody is getting sick from 5 seconds of exposure. Confined spaces, and 10+ minutes are the problem.

As last year went on, I began to make a subjective observation that most walking groups we encountered on our bike paths were wearing masks. You could tell most were family groups. Many older people wore masks too. As a pedestrian, your chances of encountering a virus are higher because you are moving slower, and if you pass another walker, it takes more time. Also, we know that wearing a mask is a courtesy to others because it protects them from you.

I think it's right that I return the courtesy as a biker by wearing a mask as I go by. It's just being nice. And when that jogger comes by blowing steam, I’m glad to have a mask.
That is why I don't ride the bus or any other mass transportation the Commuter bike is perfect for getting to and from different destinations
The bus has no open windows and the drivers and inspectors are not wearing masks. Those people, theoretically, are most likely to contract the virus as thousands during the day occupy their recirculated air space and walk close by them.
I was very fearful of the disease when they showed the videos from Wuhan and the gymnasiums full of people having strokes. The only thing they could do, seemingly, was to put them on ventilators to die.
Now I'm not fearful of the virus. There are good treatments and there are preventatives and substances to ameliorate disease that we almost all should be taking anyway, like Vit D and Vit C every day.

There is Ivermectin, high dose Vit C and other treatments with good success. Now we know where the danger mostly lies.

Killing every freedom in the world in the name of "Stay safe" is not a winning option unless you just need you some of that good CCP style repression and eventual camp.
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Duration of exposure also plays a role. Nobody is getting sick from 5 seconds of exposure. Confined spaces, and 10+ minutes are the problem.

I've heard that also. Have you heard the scientific explanation supporting that opinion? It doesn't make a lot of sense. Of course your probability of taking in virus increases with proximity and time spent, but someone coughing close by you or talking loudly or yelling to someone, those only take a second to get to you.
As last year went on, I began to make a subjective observation that most walking groups we encountered on our bike paths were wearing masks. You could tell most were family groups. Many older people wore masks too. As a pedestrian, your chances of encountering a virus are higher because you are moving slower, and if you pass another walker, it takes more time. Also, we know that wearing a mask is a courtesy to others because it protects them from you.

I think it's right that I return the courtesy as a biker by wearing a mask as I go by. It's just being nice. And when that jogger comes by blowing steam, I’m glad to have a mask.
Did you notice that pharmacists were not wearing masks until told that they must? Of all people, I thought that they were the most likely to be dealing with symptomatic sick people before diagnosis and old people.
I queried one in the supermarket (btw, shelves were empty of cough and cold remedy) and he was defensive, and said that no sick people came there.
That was incredible thing to say.
No masks, no gloves, no hand cleansing, no precautions. All of them.
I've heard that also. Have you heard the scientific explanation supporting that opinion? It doesn't make a lot of sense. Of course your probability of taking in virus increases with proximity and time spent, but someone coughing close by you or talking loudly or yelling to someone, those only take a second to get to you.

It's all about viral load. Your body can recognize and kill off a small amount of virus that results from momentary/limited exposure, but in a confined space, where the exposure is much greater, your body won't be able to handle it so easily. Outdoors, a person would literally have to cough, sneeze, or spit directly into your mouth, indoors, just breathing the same air over and over and over is enough.
It's all about viral load. Your body can recognize and kill off a small amount of virus that results from momentary/limited exposure, but in a confined space, where the exposure is much greater, your body won't be able to handle it so easily. Outdoors, a person would literally have to cough, sneeze, or spit directly into your mouth, indoors, just breathing the same air over and over and over is enough.
It is about viral load, and all people are different in their defense capability. For them to pretend that it's all the same is just ridiculous.
It isn't scientific. How many virus particles does it take for a sick old person to be infected? How about for healthy teenager? How many particles are expelled in a yell or cough?

Giving that would be some scientific support for the statement. Otherwise it's kinda just hogwash and blabber from authorities who don't have a clue what they are talking about.
Scientific submitted manuscript on Vit D3 and covid. You hear almost nothing on treatments because it's all about "not tested as per usual" vaccinations that may not stop infection or transmission.
Methods: Our study aims to elucidate the effect of calcifediol [25(OH)D3] treatment on ICU admission and mortality, in patients admitted to COVID-19 wards of Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain. A total of 930 participants were included. Participants (n=551) were randomly assigned to calcifediol treatment (532 ug on day one and 266 ug on day 3, 7, 15, and 30) at the time of hospital admission or as controls (n=379).

Findings: ICU assistance was required by 110 (11.8%) participants. Out of 551 patients treated with calcifediol at admission, 30 (5.4%) required ICU, compared to 80 out of 379 controls (21.1%; p<0.0001). Logistic regression of calcifediol treatment on ICU admission, adjusted by age, gender, linearized 25(OH)D levels at baseline, and comorbidities showed that treated patients had a reduced risk to require ICU (RR 0.18 [95% CI 0.11;0.29]). Baseline 25(OH)D levels inversely correlated with the risk of ICU admission (RR 0.53 [95% CI 0.35;0.80]). Overall mortality was 10%. In the Intention-to-treat analysis, 36 (6.5%) out of 551 patients treated with calcifediol at admission died compared to 57 patients (15%) out of 379 controls (p=0.001). Adjusted results showed a reduced mortality for more of 60%. Higher baseline 25(OH)D levels were significantly associated with decreased mortality (RR 0.40 [95% CI 0.24;0.67]). Age and obesity were also predictors of mortality.

Interpretation: In patients hospitalized with COVID-19, calcifediol treatment at the time of hospitalization significantly reduced ICU admission and mortality."

First attempt with small group.

"Of 50 patients treated with calcifediol, one required admission to the ICU (2%), while of 26 untreated patients, 13 required admission (50 %) p value X2 Fischer test p < 0.001. Univariate Risk Estimate Odds Ratio for ICU in patients with Calcifediol treatment versus without Calcifediol treatment: 0.02 (95 %CI 0.002−0.17). Multivariate Risk Estimate Odds Ratio for ICU in patients with Calcifediol treatment vs Without Calcifediol treatment ICU (adjusting by Hypertension and T2DM): 0.03 (95 %CI: 0.003-0.25). Of the patients treated with calcifediol, none died, and all were discharged, without complications. The 13 patients not treated with calcifediol, who were not admitted to the ICU, were discharged. Of the 13 patients admitted to the ICU, two died and the remaining 11 were discharged.


Our pilot study demonstrated that administration of a high dose of Calcifediol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D, a main metabolite of vitamin D endocrine system, significantly reduced the need for ICU treatment of patients requiring hospitalization due to proven COVID-19. Calcifediol seems to be able to reduce severity of the disease, but larger trials with groups properly matched will be required to show a definitive answer."
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