Do you feel anxious?


I've been riding bikes all my life and Its been less than a month since I bought my first E-bike. Its been a absolute joy for me in this new experience always with a smile but finding myself anxious if I don't ride. At 57 years young , and since my purchase I take night time rides because of the heat and humidity here in Houston. But we've been getting a lot of rain lately and I feel blue and anxious if I don't ride.
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I wouldn't say that I get anxious, but I'm way more eager to go out on a ride just for the sake of it.

Luckily, the September weather here in Toronto has been quite accommodating since I got my bike, so I've been able to get out on a regular basis.
... we've been getting a lot of rain lately and I feel blue and anxious if I don't ride.
That sounds like ebike maintenance and fixing time to me! Every time I wipe the chain there's a lot of stuff coming off the new bike drive chain, so that can take ten minutes right there. Micro-adjust the gears and add some new pieces of equipment or put tape where the heavy locks might strike the finish, it's not too hard to find new ebike-related jobs that make the next well-earned ride even better.
But usually even if someone says we're getting low on some grocery item, I decide that it's only 15 minutes away from being delivered :p
I've been riding bikes all my life and Its been less than a month since I bought my first E-bike. Its been a absolute joy for me in this new experience always with a smile but finding myself anxious if I don't ride. At 57 years young , and since my purchase I take night time rides because of the heat and humidity here in Houston. But we've been getting a lot of rain lately and I feel blue and anxious if I don't ride.
Yeah RAIN !....and I have never been able to get into indoor cycling , but I have a bunch of raingear and force myself to ride in rain. Since its not as much fun I sometimes revert to the old Acoustic bike in inclement weather. That way I get excercise in less time and the Ebike stays clean.
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I find myself dreaming of riding my e-bike. I literally imagine myself pedaling away in a nature park or elsewhere.

I've had bicycles all my life (as well as motorcycles) and since buying my first e-bike a couple of months ago I've had two setbacks: First due to stupid inattention in a nature park I fell and cracked a rib on my right side. Second, yesterday I was hit by a car which came up behind me (I was on a bike path) and then cut right in front to get to a gas station. Just after recovering from my first cracked rib on the right, I've now got one on the left and a big gash on my shin right to the bone. So I'm REALLY anxious about riding again and I can't wait. Especially so since our riding season here in Montreal ends really quickly as the snow and ice set in.

I'd been planning (and hoping) to have 2-3 months riding time with my new bike before winter and I'm loosing about 1.5 months of that due to injury.

So yes, I'm anxious about riding again and I really dream of being back in the saddle again. :)
I'd been planning (and hoping) to have 2-3 months riding time with my new bike before winter and I'm loosing about 1.5 months of that due to injury.

So yes, I'm anxious about riding again and I really dream of being back in the saddle again. :)

Ouch! Sorry to hear about the accident! Here's to a speedy recovery!
A lot of good ideas to keep me busy during the down times thanks everyone. Looking forward to better and cooler weather hopefully soon. WOW Mtl_Biker , hoping you get well soon. Had a couple of close calls myself already with cars due to text and driving. At night I feel I've taken extra precautions with all types of lights and flashers on the bike but in the end its up to me to ride , anticipate and remember "Murphy's law".
My bike's been at the LBS for a couple of weeks now. Standard maintenance stuff after 3000 miles of use: new back tire, new chain, adjust derailleur, replace a broken spoke (that's that finally got me to quit putting off the other stuff), etc. I wouldn't say anxious, but we've had some great riding weather and I'm envious of my wife as she gets out on her Pedego every day.
Yes, I'm anxious. My bike's been in the shop for over a week (keeps cutting out) and I want to ride. Desperately !!!
I'm used to riding everyday, so imagine my withdrawal symptoms.
I am not ever anxious because my ebike is a fatty and we have tons of groomed trails and snowmo trails that I can ride on. Now that it's spring, I will put on my 27.5" wheels and MTB tires for hard ground. If it's really cold, windy, snowy or rainy, I will either snowshoe, xc ski, walk or stay home and recover. Plenty to do outside in addition to riding.