Cyclists’ Accident

I know that road pretty well as we golf that area every year on our way to Palm Springs. Shouldn't have happened.
Tragic ! Apparently a handful of riders had tucked in behind the support vehicle to avoid the winds and were pinned between the box truck and the suburu support vehicle. The box truck driver remained on the scene and cooperated with the authorities, but still unclear how he could have missed them at 9:45 in the morning.
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This tragedy, along with others I've personally witnessed, are the reason I no longer bike on road. I'm fortunate to have this option but many have no choice. The really sad thing about these accidents is the bikers are almost always riding legally and observing the proper precautions.
An acquaintance of mine was an avid road bike racer. Fanatic. She got hit by a car on some hwy in Nevada. You could see the impression her body made in the windshield 😯. I can't even imagine what the hospital bills were, but she survived. Later, the car driver's insurance company went after her to pay for the windshield!!

America is a wonderful country...
I traveled that freeway for 20years. To LA and to the dry lakes with my dirtboats. That's the fastest stretch of freeway I've ever driven. 90 PLUS is the norm. That and NV has 24-hour bars and large numbers of drinking drivers, IME.

That doesn't have anything to do with it being "America" and the USA is a wonderful country compared to virtually every other country at the same time in history. It falls short only in comparison with imaginary utopian countries that didn't exist in reality or scope of scale at the time of comparison. I doubt that a insurance company would go after someone for damages in a situation like this without clearly identified fault. The fact that someone is injured doesn't change determination of fault and liability. Yesterday I came across a group of 30-40 cyclists riding on a narrow two lane road that has a relatively wide and well marked bike lane. Instead of staying single file in the bike lane and not obstructing traffic several rode abreast and outside the bike lane marker. That was just stupid, unnecessary, dangerous and unfortunately not a rare instance. Bike riders are often their own worst enemy, especially considering that most are recreational riders and usually in their cars instead of on bikes so they have no excuse.
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^ And I suppose the riders that were killed will be sued by the IMPAIRED driver that killed them
America IS a wonderful country...but better than “virtually every other country” better check your metrics across a wide variety of subjects especially now that our principal export lately has been Covid, kinda like the pandemic of 1918
Moderator - please move to Off Topic thread.
America is a wonderfull country ... except for the lawsuits. And this probably needs to stay where it is, along with other cyclist injury stories. Stay safe out there.
^ And I suppose the riders that were killed will be sued by the IMPAIRED driver that killed them
America IS a wonderful country...but better than “virtually every other country” better check your metrics across a wide variety of subjects especially now that our principal export lately has been Covid, kinda like the pandemic of 1918
I'm not going to argue or debate further with you, Mark Twain has a famous quote about the futility of that. My post wasn't in response to this tragedy. The driver has been indicted and if insurance is involved they won't be requesting compensation from the victims.

The current COVID pandemic originated in China and was exported from China. Although the origin of the 1918 influenza pandemic hasn't been determined with certainty some medical historians cite Asia and specifically China as a possible origin.

Of course the US isn't perfect, never has been and never will be but despite the warts and up and downs if you think there has been a more noble and self sacrificial country in terms of their people and resources the than the US at any time in history then name them.

Given that yesterday there was a virtual memorial ride for the Nevada victims it is possible that the patently unsafe and obnoxious (giving drivers the finger) group of riders that I came across yesterday was part of that and not much of a tribute. This was on a narrow, winding, hilly road where they had plenty of opportunity to ride safely.
WTH does Covid have to do with a traffic accident?
No idea except some people use every opportunity to try to discredit.
"especially now that our principal export lately has been Covid, kinda like the pandemic of 1918"
That doesn't have anything to do with it being "America" and the USA is a wonderful country compared to virtually every other country at the same time in history. It falls short only in comparison with imaginary utopian countries that didn't exist in reality or scope of scale at the time of comparison. I doubt that a insurance company would go after someone for damages in a situation like this without clearly identified fault. The fact that someone is injured doesn't change determination of fault and liability. Yesterday I came across a group of 30-40 cyclists riding on a narrow two lane road that has a relatively wide and well marked bike lane. Instead of staying single file in the bike lane and not obstructing traffic several rode abreast and outside the bike lane marker. That was just stupid, unnecessary, dangerous and unfortunately not a rare instance. Bike riders are often their own worst enemy, especially considering that most are recreational riders and usually in their cars instead of on bikes so they have no excuse.
FYI, bicyclists in Nevada can ride two abreast.
Riding on a freeway that typically is driven in the 90-100MPH range between California and Las Vegas. DUMB.

And those that think the USA is far ahead of any other country needs to get a life, and go see the world. STILL more per capita prisoners than USSR or China.
^ And I suppose the riders that were killed will be sued by the IMPAIRED driver that killed them
America IS a wonderful country...but better than “virtually every other country” better check your metrics across a wide variety of subjects especially now that our principal export lately has been Covid, kinda like the pandemic of 1918
By well-known member, I guess that means d*ck