Cute step through bike for 6’3” woman

Frames built for the anatomical differences between women and men can appear subtle, but they can be significant when it comes to really tall or really short riders. Many of the bigger companies have designed women specific frames. I'm not referring to low step for women and high step for men, those days are gone.

For instance Giant had, (or has?) their Liv line of bikes for women. I met an ebike rider with one recently. Differences are subtle, but they're real.

For harder to fit people it might be wise to visit a bike fitter to understand what will work. Googling "bike fitter in central Pennsylvania" turns up several. Not too expensive and well worth the money to assure proper fit. A bike that isn't ridden due to poor fit is the most expensive bike in the world.

Good luck.
New Liv review (Liv mentioned above). Thought this would be a good place to link it.
