Curious on battery mileage on some of these bafang ultra bikes


Well-Known Member
How are you guys doing mileage wise and what assist levels do you usually run

Ouch, what is your average speed? I get 40-50 miles out of a 10.5 ah 48 volt battery but I do ride slow
I have a very flat 16-mile commute each way. I have the 16ah 48V battery and a Biktrix Juggernaut Ultra full suspension fat tire bike with the crank gear upgraded from a 44 tooth to a 58 tooth sprocket.

I ride mostly on assist level 4 or 5 and I go fast. Like I average about 20mph and generally hit 30mph at least once during my commute. In the mornings (setting off at 100%) I arrive at work with about 20% charge remaining according to the display. In the evenings (I charge at work so setting off again at 100%) I make it home with about 35% left. The crank gear upgrade definitely sucks more power from the battery (~10% to 15% more). With the OE 44 tooth crank gear, I think I was able to make it home with about 45% remaining. I was never brave enough to try the round trip without charging though.

One evening I forgot to charge my bike, and I left for work in the morning with only 22% charge. I used assist level 1 & 2 and I was able to make it all the way to work (16 miles) with 2% or 3% left. I think with a very moderate assist like 2 or 3 you can easily do 25 - 35 miles and likely even 40+ if you really push it.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I have a ultra bike coming soon and once I get some ride time in at my slower speed and lower assist levels will update on how I’m doing mileage wise just to compare

Will be interesting

As a general rule I do not get as good of mileage on torque sensing bikes as my cadence bikes - the exception being my Yamaha haibike that gets great mileage- anyway a little concerned about battery mileage on this new bike but we will see
Battery life is highly variable with the Ultra motor.

If you keep it on ECO 1 or 2 it will have great range.

If you use SPORT mode level 5, and ride like a maniac it will suck the battery quickly, as few as 10 miles range.

Optimal range is all about power levels and energy management.
As a general rule I always get more than the top advertised mileage for all my bikes , sure it is because I ride slow in low assist

Hoping the ultra will be the same because I want to do some long rides with it

Once i have some miles in on the bike will update this
Holding I do much better than that on 21 ah

but your bikes are heavier so hopefully that will play in my favor

Thanks for the feedback everyone
I checked mine yesterday, it looks like I can get about 125 kilos riding in PAS 1 on level ground riding in the bike lane on secondary highways.

I'm not one to really keep track of my mileage and now with charging to only 80% most of the time it's difficult as I have a few bikes and switch what I'm riding nearly every day. I see you on the Watt Wagon forum is that what you have coming?
Actually pushkar and Ravi put together kind of a prototype full suspension similar to the wattwagon for me

I do not want it for commuting so had some different stuff put on it

Hope to get it in a couple of weeks and I will post on my riding/usual pas levels and battery mileage, will be interesting
Cool, I'll bet you can't wait. I have an Ultimate Commuter Pro coming, Pushkar is going to ship it when they come to Canada for the record run.
I'm supposed to get pictures of the assembly this week but so far I haven't seen any. You got to love Pushkar's enthusiasm.