Creo - long climb range?

here is a photo taken at Artist Point last year. In 2019 rode on a Riese & Muller Delite

If your ride data include true kcal burnt (the ones measured by the torque sensor of the bike) then multiply them by 1.622 (kcal to Wh) and then divide by 4 (25% human body efficiency) = you will get your Wh contribution calculated. Now, divide the last figure by net ride time (in hours) and you will get your average leg power input.
That's really interesting Stefan, I might try it but I think I'll just buy the BLevo software.
That's really interesting Stefan, I might try it but I think I'll just buy the BLevo software.
I own a copy of BLevo but don't use it. You know why? I'm irrationally scared BLevo would not work properly with my 45 km/h Vado, or would do harm to it :)
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