Crank arm removal HELP


New Member
I’m trying to take the motor out of my Benno RemiDemi to clean it up, but I can’t get the crank arms out— even when I used the park tool CCP 44.

I get the tool threaded in but the arms won’t come off no matter how much I try. I ended up standing on the edge of a wrench trying to get it to rotate, but it wouldn’t budge.

I’m not that strong but I still thought I would be able to get the crank arms off.

I live in an area whwre the nearest bike store is 40+ miles away— and I have no car.

What should I do?
You took the bolt out, right? Then use a socket and long breaker bar on the tool. If that doesn’t appeal to you, rent a pickup at Menards and take it to the shop
Sometimes (but not always) there is a very thin washer that goes between the bolt and crank arm. If the washer is still in the arm, when you thread the tool in, all you are doing is pushing against the washer. So check for a washer and if it there, take it out. If there is no washer, then use a breaker bar on the tool. It also helps to not have to keep the crank from turning; I use a toe strap to secure the other crank arm so the crank won't rotate.
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Know nothing about this procedure but am wondering if it could be left hand thread.

There are typically only two left hand threads on a bicycle; the left pedal axle, and on bikes with a BSA threaded bottom bracket, the drive side bearing cup.
Hope this helps... The inner bolt on my crank puller is too small to push against the spindle to I insert a catch bolt in my spindle so my crank puller has something to push against.

Insert catch bolt:


Catch bolt inserted so that it only pushes against spindle:


Thread outer crank puller bolt into to crank:


Turn inner crank puller bolt so that it eventually pushes against catch bolt and pushes out crank:


Crank removed! Note catch bolt is left on spindle.



Hope this helps... The inner bolt on my crank puller is too small to push against the spindle to I insert a catch bolt in my spindle so my crank puller has something to push against.

The OP indicated having a Park Tool CCP-44, which is for ISIS/Octalink spindles.
I'm just giving an overview of how to pull a crank in general. Sometimes seeing how it's done helps you figure out what you are doing wrong even if you don't have the same tools. Maybe it won't help. Maybe it will.