conversion from Internal to External Controller


New Member
Hello, for various reasons I find myself considering the conversion from an internal controller to an external one. Is this a task that's terribly wrong or is it a matter of personal choice ? I mean their are obvious benefits of external as follows : cooler location, easier to service if a problem occurs, larger gauge wiring for less resistance and durability, and there are drawbacks as follows : their will be a lot more cumbersome wiring needing to be housed and cared for , connections all need to be changed. But mainly I ask is it that much better
If your old controller works, this is probably a waste of time.

Without good reason anyway.....

For your "upside" list, you could add there's also increased potential, using the right controller and display, for custom programming. Great for techies and demanding riders to play with, but maybe not so great if you aren't into that sort of thing. Going to heavier gauge wiring and a controller capable of allowing more amperage that you currently can could also mean more available "punch" from your motor.
Thanks for the input and that's how I feel ,but let me be a bit more specific. I installed a kit on a new (my first) bike build, used a trek 3700 3 series I had,tore it down replaced ,lubed , adjusted, and dialed it in ,Nice! The install was fairly straight forward and the kit , a 48v 1500w voilamart rear hub type with internal controller and waterproof wire harness. Came with a sw900 LCD display as well. The install went great looks good . It's useless the motor has never turned under it's own power I am beyond frustrated. I've checked all connections 5 times probably , done continuity testing , halls sensors , throttle (bench test) the distributor (allinone68) through eBay over the phone told me it is the controller, so I began the wait and waited they told me their was Chinese holiday. Bla bla did I want to wait anyway we are here now I still don't have anything.but they have offered me 1/2 of purchase price back to take the repair to my local ebike shop. That would be 106.90 them being unclear about weather that included controller I countered with a figure of 180. 00 and I go away. They are willing to do that ? Why? But then although I will have gotten the kit for about 35.00 I still have no operational bike. Need a controller and if I go external all new wiring and connectors , and the fun of figuring out exactly what exsists on the bike now and matching it with new wiring. Not tough for an electrician but although I am not helpless , a job . I'm thinking the best case decision is new controller just like what is in there now ? Don know ????!
So in a nutshell, you are saying that you've installed a 1500w Voilamart rear hub motor w/internal controller that doesn't work?

Do you have a link to this motor that will show the installation directions?

You say you've done continuity testing, have you followed the voltage/battery power from the battery to the controller? What type and voltage battery?

Does the display light up when turned on?
So in a nutshell, you are saying that you've installed a 1500w Voilamart rear hub motor w/internal controller that doesn't work?

Do you have a link to this motor that will show the installation directions?

You say you've done continuity testing, have you followed the voltage/battery power from the battery to the controller? What type and voltage battery?

Does the display light up when turned on?
Yeah sorry I've got 52.7 volts at the supply to controller when powered up, yes the display is coming on that's how I got the code 10 reading I am not sure how the display receives power if it's from controller , but I think it must have an independent source from battery the system 48v 1500w I do have 8 small wires 4 in one connection 4 in the other right out of the axel coming into hub along with red + and black - of course those small wires go directly to circuit boards in hub. And have full power too except one white wire ?


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Yeah sorry I've got 52.7 volts at the supply to controller when powered up, yes the display is coming on that's how I got the code 10 reading I am not sure how the display receives power if it's from controller , but I think it must have an independent source from battery the system 48v 1500w I do have 8 small wires 4 in one connection 4 in the other right out of the axel coming into hub along with red + and black - of course those small wires go directly to circuit boards in hub. And have full power too except one white wire zero and I've got sw-900 LCD display [/ISPOILER]


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Take the $180 credit and buy another kit.

Knowing absolutely nothing about hubs w/internal controllers, that's what I would do as well. And the second time around would include a hub motor kit that did NOT have an internal controller that nobody knows anything about.....
keep finding more thanks so much I appreciate you
Knowing absolutely nothing about hubs w/internal controllers, that's what I would do as well. And the second time around would include a hub motor kit that did NOT have an internal controller that nobody knows anything about.....
Wow! Double U U- OH-Double U U! That's why I thanked you in advance Sir! That is about the most insanely perfectly logical answer there should ever be considered!Bravo! And it actually went right over my head 😂 That's the solution , I am doing that right now stay tuned!


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