Conflicting information from Kiox display?


New Member
Hi there,

My Kiox recently got an upgrade from (iirc) to It's made a huge improvement since I now get average human power output, average cadence and my rides actually get tracked.

Unfortunately there's a downside. I'm not sure I trust the information coming out of the Kiox. It's saying that while in turbo mode the motor put out 75% of the effort while I put in 25%. Fair enough. It's also saying I put in 220W of human power while riding. That means the motor was averaging 600W of output. That ride lasted 40 minutes yet my battery only drained by about 120Wh. If you work that backwards the motor was outputting 180W on average not 600W.

So what's the truth here? Is the percentage of effort value wrong? Is the readout of average power including motor power when the app specifically says 'user power output'? Has anyone else had questionable values out of their Kiox or Nyon displays?
Of course only Bosch has the definitive answer.

But 75% is the maximum assistance, and that's the info you get with this graph.

- downwind the assistance is close to nothing
- faster than 25mph the assistance is throttled back progressively
That means the motor was averaging 600W of output. That ride lasted 40 minutes yet my battery only drained by about 120Wh. If you work that backwards the motor was outputting 180W on average not 600W.

Were you pedaling the entire 40 minutes?
If it consumed 120 Whr in total, that means there were periods in those 40 minutes where the machine did not draw 500W+ power.
I need to look into this in detail but the power data may not be entirely accurate.