This is a little bit off topic but an interesting observation
I watch the used ebike stuff on Craigslist etc and occasionally pick them up for me, friends
Lately been looking for a used 50-55 lb step thru 2 inch tire bike for a friend
A few years ago when ride1up started out I saw them for sale all the time, they were everywhere, now from catching a post here and there about programming bikes that are too fast etc I think they are using KT controllers or something similar and they are literally never listed used anymore, have not seen one in months
Aventon are everywhere, quite a few rad
1 or 2 espin
I have ridden a new Radrunner recently and it seemed controlled to me in pas 1-2
I bought a couple of lectric for friends and was pretty happy with how they are, I do see quite a few for sale though
Actually saw an espin ad and the guy said the bike was too powerful for him and that is why he was selling it, I wrote him and told him to go into advanced settings and change the pas from 5 to 9 that it made a huge difference on my espin Nesta
He said that really helped and he would probably keep it now
Ridiculous we are still dealing with this , every time I consider buying an Aventon have to factor in the 200-250 to change the controller