Celebrities on ebikes

Infrastructure is the key...the US is sorely lacking it beyond bike trails. I understand the statistics are inconclusive...what tips the scale for me is the big mirror I strap to my helmet

I may add the helmet mirror. My handlebar mirror is another item I would not ride without...
Infrastructure is the key...the US is sorely lacking it beyond bike trails. I understand the statistics are inconclusive...what tips the scale for me is the big mirror I strap to my helmet
I have to give a big 10/4 to that good buddy ( do ppl still talk like that?). I feel soooo much safer when I can see the traffic behind me in my rearview.

I also always ride with a flashing rear light and my strong 48v front headlight day or nite. Plus a super loud 48v horn. Most of my riding is on bike paths so I don't were a helmet, then again I'm a brown belt in Judo and have had my share of saved by the break fall incidences.

So everyone needs to consider their circumstances on this issue. I have seen ppl fall while simply walking and end up bleeding from the ears that doesn't mean ppl should wear helmets while walking ( normally).
I use a EVT mirror EVT Safe Zone Bicycle Helmet Mirror https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003LVHZ4O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_o5-wFbVCJ4ZK1
I did recently try a handlebar mirror but it felt awkward with my extends. Probably just an old habit with the helmet I’m too old to break.
As far as lights there are excellent ones on my Allant 9.9s but...after a comment by Alaskan about their power consumption I turned them off and have USB lights flashing front and rear
I use a EVT mirror EVT Safe Zone Bicycle Helmet Mirror https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003LVHZ4O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_o5-wFbVCJ4ZK1
I did recently try a handlebar mirror but it felt awkward with my extends. Probably just an old habit with the helmet I’m too old to break.
As far as lights there are excellent ones on my Allant 9.9s but...after a comment by Alaskan about their power consumption I turned them off and have USB lights flashing front and rear
Yes I did notice my 48v headlight affects the volt draw. but I still get about 60 miles per charge which is about 3 times more than I have ever used .
PS did you see the wrist mirror connected to your link? Seems a little go go gadget : )
This is the one I use, I like it because it avoids the issue of having your arms block the view, and it doesn't give a shaky view
LOL so you wear your helmet 24/7? That's a different issue : )
Seems like Court Rye does in most of his interviews. Makes me think he sleeps with it on also! 🤣 Tbh, I get quite lazy when it comes to strapping on a helmet. Seems like I enjoy the ride more without one on. I have been riding for decades, so I can just "knock on wood" I do not get hit. Ride Safe!
LOL so you wear your helmet 24/7? That's a different issue : )

Nonsense... Google TBI.

We are talking about celebs riding without helmets. ;)

Millions of Americans ride bicycles, but less than half wear bicycle helmets, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the U.S., there were 900 deaths and an estimated 494,000 emergency room visits due to bicycle-related injuries in 2013, the study authors write. Using the American College of Surgeons’ National Trauma Data Bank, the researchers analyzed records of 6,267 people treated in 2012 for bleeding inside the skull after a bicycle accident.

One quarter of patients had been wearing a bicycle helmet at the time of their accident. Just over half of the patients had severe traumatic brain injuries and 3 percent died. Researchers found that people wearing helmets had 52 percent lower risk of severe TBI, compared to unhelmeted riders, and a 44 percent lower risk of death. Riders with helmets also had 31 percent lower odds of facial fractures. The upper part of the face, particularly around the eyes, was most protected. Helmets offered less protection against fractures to the lower part of the face, such as the nose and jaw.
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Nonsense... Google TBI.

We are talking about celebs riding without helmets. ;)

Millions of Americans ride bicycles, but less than half wear bicycle helmets, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the U.S., there were 900 deaths and an estimated 494,000 emergency room visits due to bicycle-related injuries in 2013, the study authors write. Using the American College of Surgeons’ National Trauma Data Bank, the researchers analyzed records of 6,267 people treated in 2012 for bleeding inside the skull after a bicycle accident.

One quarter of patients had been wearing a bicycle helmet at the time of their accident. Just over half of the patients had severe traumatic brain injuries and 3 percent died. Researchers found that people wearing helmets had 52 percent lower risk of severe TBI, compared to unhelmeted riders, and a 44 percent lower risk of death. Riders with helmets also had 31 percent lower odds of facial fractures. The upper part of the face, particularly around the eyes, was most protected. Helmets offered less protection against fractures to the lower part of the face, such as the nose and jaw.
Yes and my idea was if they are not riding do they need to wear helmets? To which you replied "... when in doubt, wear a helmet"
Safety is important.
Of course , but within reason, I know your not advocating wearing a helmet 24/7 ( I hope : ).
But there are ppl who take it to the extreme, like wearing a belt AND suspenders That is just paranoia, like wearing a helmet 24/7.
Who wants to live in a bubble?....and don't say the bubble boy.
Of course , but within reason, I know your not advocating wearing a helmet 24/7 ( I hope : ).
But there are ppl who take it to the extreme, like wearing a belt AND suspenders That is just paranoia, like wearing a helmet 24/7.
Who wants to live in a bubble?....and don't say the bubble boy.

The "bubble boy"-one of my favorite episodes. Now really, I agree, some folks do take things to extreme. How about wearing a wet suit while water skiing at 20mph. The barefoot skiers wear them b/c you have to reach high speeds to stay above the water. But don't catch a toe. 🤣
The "bubble boy"-one of my favorite episodes. Now really, I agree, some folks do take things to extreme.
How about wearing a wet suit while water skiing at 20mph. The barefoot skiers wear them b/c you have to reach high speeds to stay above the water. But don't catch a toe. 🤣

More like 35-40 mph for barefoot skiing!

I tried it once for the photo opp... never again! ;)
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The "bubble boy"-one of my favorite episodes. Now really, I agree, some folks do take things to extreme. How about wearing a wet suit while water skiing at 20mph. The barefoot skiers wear them b/c you have to reach high speeds to stay above the water. But don't catch a toe. 🤣
Here is someone who takes security to the extreme.
The locks are worth more than the bike! Someone will steal the bike to get the locks : )
Most of my riding is on bike paths so I don't were a helmet, then again I'm a brown belt in Judo and have had my share of saved by the break fall incidences.

My recent accident (and my first) was on a paved bike path.

Went airborne and landed on the side of my head in a concrete ditch... helmet saved my life. Landed on my forearm and knee first but did not keep me from banging my head and passing out.

Stuff happened so fast that even a black belt probably could not react in time.

You can see the dent in the picture I posted in the "Helmet... wear them" thread... just a precautionary tale, no one thinks they will get in an accident... but that's why it's called an accident.