Cannabis, how is it legalized?

I think if you keep light on it at least 18 hours a day it would stay in a vegetative state. No idea how long one could keep it like that. Once it flowers, which happens when the light is reduced to 12 hours a day, it will die off. I'm talking about a female plant as I've never grown a male plant as the seeds I buy will only grow female plants. There are also auto flowering seeds that will flower automatically without any light change.
Auto flower and the game is changed…
It's legal not too far from you...a little north. CBD is often an effective alternative/adjunct for pharmaceuticals.
I for one am an advocate - it helps to keep my arthritis to a manageable level.

Unfortunately crossing the border is probably out of the question.
August 1, and I can have 8 plants, but no more than 4 in flower! WTF!? One plant and enough 20% THC to last through 2025 unable to get out of the chair. Crazy! But I can’t stop giggling…
mfgrep brings up a thought-provoking comparison between alcohol and cannabis. It's true that the legality of substances can often spark debates. Cannabis has indeed shown itself to be less physically harmful compared to alcohol in many cases. The cultural and legal differences between the two are quite interesting. If you're interested in learning more about the various aspects of cannabis, you might find it enlightening to delve into all about cannabis. Gaining insights from reliable sources can help in understanding the broader context surrounding these substances. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this matter!
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Severe spinal stenosis requires some sort of medication to calm some of the pain. In Minnesota, I have a State cannabis Rx, but since I doctor in WI I have to drug test for any really effective pain medications. And being illegal in WI I would be denied RX pain meds if I use my legal MN Rx. FUCKED UP!
stenosis sounds so mild,in reality it can be what I call" black pain" pain so strong it will sit you on your arse, people will get a mild ache in the back and think they know what back pain is( they dont) had a broken 5th vertebra and when the "process" sat down on the raw sciatic nerve it was probably pain in the 9-10 range. back pain is serious.
When the Japanese started eyeing China in the 1930's, one thing they did was to flood the place with cheap opium. As food became scarce, people turned to opium - - it was so cheap and available. In a few years, the Japanese military figured the population was weakened enough to sap their will/ability to resist invasion.

Now think about how ubiquitous marijuana and meth have become here in the US. Think about how we have an "epidemic" of obesity, how young people must now face climate change and economic injustice that we didn't have to deal with. They need every bit of real mojo, gumption, perseverance, creativity and mental acuity they can muster just to compete in this world. But if they've got cheap and too strong dope, they can't compete. They have trouble getting the courage to get up off the sofa.

So if you want to know how legalization is going here, IMO, it is not a good thing. High rate of drug-induced psychosis. Kids effing up their brains permanently. Many necessary jobs unfilled because people can't pass a drug screen. And try to get some customer service out of people who couldn't think their way out of a breadbox. "It's all too hard. Have another toke, dude."
Why would you even mention Pot and Meth in the same breath lol, i knew that post was going nowhere as soon as i saw that.
mfgrep brings up a thought-provoking comparison between alcohol and cannabis. It's true that the legality of substances can often spark debates. Cannabis has indeed shown itself to be less physically harmful compared to alcohol in many cases. The cultural and legal differences between the two are quite interesting. If you're interested in learning more about the various aspects of cannabis, you might find it enlightening to delve into all about cannabis. Gaining insights from reliable sources can help in understanding the broader context surrounding these substances. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this matter!
i have sat back and observed extreme cases of alcohol and cannabis abuse, i know 110% which is more harmful, and nothing could ever change my opinion on the subject because i have observed this with my own 2 eyes.
Im not saying go out and smoke pot because that is a foolish thing to say but man i will say alcohol is something i avoid at all cost, it is very very dangerous and i have seen it tear peoples lives apart! Im not even going to get into why that crap is legal.
As for pot i have been a daily smoker since the late '80s, i still have no issue getting off the sofa and going to work, my life has not been destroyed by weed, in fact in a round about way i have achieved most of the goals i had pre weed lol.
Now that its legal life is easier, my job no longer test for it and the stuff from dispensaries is more than likely highly regulated compared to street weed although i have yet to try dispensary pot because as soon as it became legal my guy dropped his prices.
I think this tuesday ill take a bike ride to the dispensary in the next town over, ill report back with my findings!😁
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Coming up on 15 years, no beers. The only way I would stop drinking was, when the beer was all gone. I had no control. I genuinely liked the taste of beer. Light beer (Heineken, Tekate) in the summer, and dark ale (Sierra Nevada Torpedo) in the winter. I was never much of a hard liquor guy, so that was a non-issue for me to quit.

Meth, ugh, that s*it is nasty. I’ve seen a couple of friends go through this and I no longer am in touch with either of them. It just came in, like a stinky fart. When you realize it’s there, it’s too late. Sad stories, but they are both still alive.

Cannabis FTW!!
August 1, and I can have 8 plants, but no more than 4 in flower! WTF!? One plant and enough 20% THC to last through 2025 unable to get out of the chair. Crazy! But I can’t stop giggling…

I just grow a single 1 pound plant with all kinds of artificial light. (500 Watts worth)

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A friend send me some seeds because he felt sorry for me.

I had just spent $69 CAD for three Saltwater OG Cush 27% THC seeds
Mailed here all the way from England.
They all died. 😂
so he sent me a bunch of AWESOME seeds that he made himself !!

The last time I tried it, it just made me paranoid. That was nine years ago. Here in Nor Cal suburbia at this time of year you can smell the skunk in the air as you ride around as the heat stalls and the fog rolls in, about thee weeks after the equinox it is harvest time. There is a huge glut in the market. There is also pot tourism on the wine tour model.
Weed and wine. A perfect pairing! I mean, you already had cheese, crackers, chocolates, breads, and fruit when wine tasting. GIVE THEM WEED!! It’s perfect! Some dispensaries have weed infused wine. That must be quite a kick. I have some THC and CBD drops that I occasionally add to my coffee. Very nice wake up. Wake up and bake up. Though, it’s not for everyone. I know some people that do get paranoid. Usually it’s with Indica. My rule of thumb is, sativa during the day and Indica is indacouch. Achievement Unlocked: Couchlock
Each to his own. Truth told: I have been a regular consumer of cannabis for 50+ years. Since becoming a customer in AZ, where legal, I use edibles only. Daily. Done with vaping and smoking.

My Docs are all good with it. My Primary told me if my home state Wisconsin ever legalized medical cannabis I would receive his first prescription. When I have surgery (several) even the anesthesiologists are not concerned but recommend discontinued within 24 hrs of surgery unlike 48-72 hours for virtually every OTC pain remedy.

I ride 125-150 miles every week and play pickleball 4 days per week.

I do not like alcohol’s effects, but also consume my share.

Not bragging but making a physical fitness comparison. I also won the Wisconsin Senior Olympics in all 3 sprints at 60 yrs. 72 now and still quite fast on the courts — and I ride my bike fast all the time!

I have never “pushed” anyone to try it but will be honest about my usage.

It really helps my arthritis. And it keeps me regular. Not plugged up like chemical non-organic pain killers.

And I enjoy every ride.
Plenty of pot shops around here in Palm Springs. We just got my GF some gummies to help her sleep. I smoked enough pot in HS to tide me over. Maybe a hit now and then but my days of being stoned to the beejeesus I'm afraid are in the rear view mirror. I do have a vape pen in my desk that I break out-usually after many beers or a bottle of Pinot! And then I put on my headphones and sing-with my office door closed so I dont get in trouble!! ;)
Plenty of pot shops around here in Palm Springs. We just got my GF some gummies to help her sleep. I smoked enough pot in HS to tide me over. Maybe a hit now and then but my days of being stoned to the beejeesus I'm afraid are in the rear view mirror. I do have a vape pen in my desk that I break out-usually after many beers or a bottle of Pinot! And then I put on my headphones and sing-with my office door closed so I dont get in trouble!! ;)
if it makes you happy!(with apologies to SC)
I was amazed by MN law. 8 plants and 4 in flower, 2 oz in your pocket. 2 oz would keep me obliterated for a year maybe more. I process all buds in my Ardent decarb gizmo as smoking would mess with my COPD
I just find it humorous that I live in a proudly right-to-farm county which has had multiple moratoriums on approving marijuana farms.

And honestly, when I first went into a weed store (in Sedro-Woolley, WA) in 2014 I don't know when I've ever been more proud to be an American.
Well today was that day for me lol, finally decided to check out a dispensary thanks to this thread and the whole experience was just kickass!
The people on staff were professional and friendly and the variety was mind numbing! Prices were more than what im used to but the variety more than made up for that.
I am officially done with "my guy" lol.
I felt like i was in a wide awake dream, it was such a good feeling to walk out of that place with my lil mini shopping bag of joy in hand, right out in the open for all to see!
I ended up going with PC Crasher and Summer Breeze for my first choices! PC Crasher is really nice, if Summer Breeze is on the same level ill be very happy!
The great thing about dispensaries is the consistency. There are so many regulations that farms have to abide by that you will always get quality herb. No funny business. No more “this is what I was able to get”.