again Audrey sez.'feed me"!
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Both Audrey and my cat get RO water as well, and my plant is drinking 3 liters a day.
I actually bought the RO filter for the plant so that I'd know exactly what she was getting in her nutrition without guessing what was in the tap water.
Calcium and magnesium are essential to plant life (as well as humans and all animals).
Normal plant food doesn't have calcium in it because it doesn't dissolve very well and can clog up sprayer nozzles, and it's assumed that calcium is naturally in the tap water, but there is none in rain water and our town drinking water source is river water which is mostly rain water.
Well water can have HUGE amounts of calcium which really messes with the PH and is a PITA to deal with.
My cat gets RO water with a few drops of vinegar to help prevent bladder and kidney stones which is quite common and can kill a cat.
Cats are carnivores and their digestive system doesn't deal well with minerals, but domesticated cats have evolved somewhat to deal with human food and table scraps.
My dad had kidney stones once and was pissing blood.
He ended up in the hospital where he finally pissed them out.
Imagine trying to pass broken glass.
OUCH !!!
Vinegar in the cat's mineral free water helps to dissolve and prevent stones.
Either the male or female cat (I forgot which?) has a smaller urethra so it's worse for them.