Canada to restrict class 3 ebikes to 20mph

This sucks! I feel bad for those Stromer owners.
To all those who are snickering at this situation: I pity you for your sad little, hollow , off topic comments.
To be clear, I am not happy with the way Stromer and or the dealers and the Canadian government have handled this but try to understand that while the ota throttling is unacceptable the ota may have some benefits. Better performance of battery/motor. Diagnostic of problems for customers who don’t live close to a dealer. Crash detection with alert message sent to a chosen number.
I believe many car manufacturers already do it (Tesla and Others). To all the tinfoil hat conspiracists Many GM cars are equipped with Onstar. What do you think that does?
Most of you have cell phones in your pocket constantly tracking you…
I believe Bosch with their Kiosk , nyons , specialized with their mastermind thingy also track you.
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Many people in this forum brag non stop about how powerful (>500w)and fast (> 28mph) the bikes they’ve built are. With Chinese parts or parts made by Grin tech, which is Canadian, if I am not mistaken .
A lot of this stuff ( looking at you Bafang) also exceeds the legal limits of Canada and many US states. How many of you criticizing Stromer or their customers ride illegal products that can be chipped, tuned or are only legal on private property? Stromer and their customers are being screwed by stupid legislation . They (Stromer) are forced to do this because litigation, legislation etc and because one of the very things that make them advanced and stand out is being used against them and their customers..
Reminder: anyone who rides an illegal bike of any brand will be exposed to the same fines and or insurance issues if an accident occurs. So beware!
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While I respect my EU friends you all are are used to nanny states. Some very progressive and enlightened laws and views, but some incredibly silly conventions. I guess if an 8000USD 15 mph ebike floats your boat I’m happy for you. But the freedom and right to repair my Bafang and Grin products cost less, ride faster, and are devoid of oppressive software. Your lot, Belgium, has better beer. Maybe that’s why you can’t ride as fast. ;)
While I respect my EU friends you all are are used to nanny states. Some very progressive and enlightened laws and views, but some incredibly silly conventions. I guess if an 8000USD 15 mph ebike floats your boat I’m happy for you. But the freedom and right to repair my Bafang and Grin products cost less, ride faster, and are devoid of oppressive software. Your lot, Belgium, has better beer. Maybe that’s why you can’t ride as fast. ;)
Hi Tom, nanny state? Do you know that I’ve been drinking delicious beer legally and publicly since I was 16? How old do one need to be to have a nice cold one in the freedom loving USA 😉.
Belgium has very clear legislation when it comes to 25km/h and 45km/h bikes. Not changing anytime soon. That does come with certain obligations: homologation of bikes, helmets, insurance and where one can or cannot ride. oppressive software? Come on man you know that’s a broad statement. I know you could nuance that a little and recognize that there might be some advancements that can make ones life easier. Though of course there could , as with any tech or scientific innovation be drawbacks. I agree with your stance on right to repair. You have enormous experience fixing bikes. I don’t have 1/10 of your knowledge. You a bike mechanic with huge knowledge and experience. You ‘ve seen it all and You may find these bikes too expensive but is it that hard to respect nice design, huge,safe battery, strong brakes, strong motors, high quality drivetrain and attempts at innovation even if you it’s not your cup of tea?
You know that in real life expensive stuff and cheaper stuff breaks down and may need to be repaired wether Us, Chinese or Swiss made
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Hi Tom, nanny state? Do you know that I’ve been drinking delicious beer legally and publicly since I was 16? How old do one need to be to have a nice cold one the freedom loving USA 😉.
Belgium has very clear legislation when it comes to 25km/h and 45km/h bikes. Not changing anytime soon. That does come with certain obligations: homologation of bikes, helmets, insurance and where one ça or cannot ride. I agree with your stance on right to repair. You have enormous experience fixing bikes. I don’t have 1/10 of your knowledge.
While I used the phrase nanny state I envy life in Belgium. I raced dirt boats in th3 California desert two decades ago with a bunch of Belgian hooligans. Good times! They constantly complained about American beer. I refer to it as “Sex in a boat”, fucking near water. I offered to drive into Las Vegas and bring a few cases back. Duval was their choice. Chimay was mine. By far the best drunken brawl of a weekend in decades. Decadents all. Bruges remains my favorite city. I‘d sell my soul to retire there. As far as eBike knowledge goes I’m still learning and remain quite ignorant regarding advanced system like Brose and Bosch. We’re I a youngster I’d invest in those eBikes but I’m so far into DIY systems I’d be wasting dollars at this point. My not so able body needs a throttle for 50-75% of my rides.
While I used the phrase nanny state I envy life in Belgium. I raced dirt boats in th3 California desert two decades ago with a bunch of Belgian hooligans. Good times! They constantly complained about American beer. I refer to it as “Sex in a boat”, fucking near water. I offered to drive into Las Vegas and bring a few cases back. Duval was their choice. Chimay was mine. By far the best drunken brawl of a weekend in decades. Decadents all. Bruges remains my favorite city. I‘d sell my soul to retire there. As far as eBike knowledge goes I’m still learning and remain quite ignorant regarding advanced system like Brose and Bosch. We’re I a youngster I’d invest in those eBikes but I’m so far into DIY systems I’d be wasting dollars at this point. My not so able body needs a throttle for 50-75% of my rides.
Does sound like good times 😁
Btw I have a dual citizenship American and n Dutch. Just happened to be born in Belgium and enjoy living there . Believe me we also have many issues that could be improved but as far as e-bikes it is pretty much the best in the world ( along with the Netherlands).
If you are referring to the ability for mfg to do over the air software updates (or any type of control) without your knowledge, very common now.

My Sprinter gets updates periodically. The ability for police to have your vehicle disabled also already here for many vehicles.
Been that way for "OnStar" for many years, actually, I believe the "boys in blue" love a bit of a chase, I have maintained for years there has never been a car produced that could outrun a radio. Sooner or later "Klondike Cat' always gets His Mouse.
There has to be a fairly easy work around by removing the SIM or disconnecting/shielding the antenna and it shouldn't require rocket science to do so. Someone needs to get into the weeds to figure it out.

And yet another reason I prefer to stay far away from proprietary overpriced hardware... Reminds me of Apple killing off the battery on their older phones.
New controller and display? Just hope the BMS is not online-like the friggin Teslas that wouldn't let you use all your battery capacity" The Sheep asked the Lemming" Where are all of you going en masse?" The Lemming replied" We have to go, not sure why" The Sheep then asked," Can I go too?"
This sucks! I feel bad for those Stromer owners.
To all those who are snickering at this situation: I pity you for your sad little, hollow , off topic comments.
To be clear, I am not happy with the way Stromer and or the dealers and the Canadian government have handled this but try to understand that while the ota throttling is unacceptable the ota may have some benefits. Better performance of battery/motor. Diagnostic of problems for customers who don’t live close to a dealer. Crash detection with alert message sent to a chosen number.
I believe many car manufacturers already do it (Tesla and Others). To all the tinfoil hat conspiracists Many GM cars are equipped with Onstar. What do you think that does?
Most of you have cell phones in your pocket constantly tracking you…
I believe Bosch with their Kiosk , nyons , specialized with their mastermind thingy also track you.
My Daughter tracks me with Her "iPhone( except when I leave it at home) even off the beaten path as long as you are in the "cell"( Heres looking at you 'Prisoner" the smothering part couldn't be much fun)
It's been awhile since I last rode a Stromer. It left me with a lasting, mixed opinion of the bike. After many years seeing and reading about Stromers my opinion really hasn't changed, right or wrong.

I think Stromers are very high quality and capable ebikes. Functionally they are a joy to ride, in the sense everything works very well and as designed. They do what they are supposed to do. What I think they are supposed to be is a transportation vehicle... if you like, a car replacement. They are heavy, fast and stable. Of any ebike I've ridden they most remind me of a moped. For purpose that's a good thing. No human I've ever known can accelerate and cruise a push bike as fast as a Stromer. I know a few here that have purchased them for touring, but I see them as commuter bikes; crazy fast, stable and fit for purpose.

So you did all of your due diligence and you pony up the 7 grand plus at a local store for a bike that's obviously designed to be a road riding ebike that will get you to work, shopping and all your daily travels at 28 mph. You won't get there sweaty and it won't take you an hour and a half to go 15 miles. It is pedal assist so you look like every bike commuter. Then one day out of the blue big brother, over the air, increases all your travel time by 30%.

Whose to blame? Blame is such a negative, accusatory word. Above all else I feel bad for all owners of Stromers. Everyone is to 'blame'. Governments allowed these bikes that were designed to be ridden on the road to be imported and sold. This practice was allowed even after formal ebike regulations were put in place. Manufacturers exported bikes to countries where they were illegal and dealers sold them to customers, they did so knowing the bikes weren't legal and I doubt they warned consumers. Consumers, having done their due diligence, should have known.

I place the lion share of the blame on governments allowing illegal ebikes to be imported and sold. Most of you remember lawn darts and 3 wheel ATV's. When governments decided they couldn't be sold, they disappeared. They didn't make owners put a fourth wheel on the 3 wheelers. Seems like the fair thing to do would be to limit new sales to meet regulations.
I drive older motor vehicles. Less likely to be susceptible of someone taking control remotely and causing me to crash in a fiery death. :p

With my ebike, if they take control at least I can jump off.... 😄
I'm not interested in a bike that has wireless connectivity for any updates or control. Tell me what the update involves and I'll login to update if I agree.

That said, most people would be surprised by the fine print we agree to on a regular basis. The horse is out of the barn and he broke down the paddock fence and is long gone.
Indeed. For example, California just gave the personal info they have, on people who elected to take the vaxx, to a consulting firm.
It's been awhile since I last rode a Stromer. It left me with a lasting, mixed opinion of the bike. After many years seeing and reading about Stromers my opinion really hasn't changed, right or wrong.

I think Stromers are very high quality and capable ebikes. Functionally they are a joy to ride, in the sense everything works very well and as designed. They do what they are supposed to do. What I think they are supposed to be is a transportation vehicle... if you like, a car replacement. They are heavy, fast and stable. Of any ebike I've ridden they most remind me of a moped. For purpose that's a good thing. No human I've ever known can accelerate and cruise a push bike as fast as a Stromer. I know a few here that have purchased them for touring, but I see them as commuter bikes; crazy fast, stable and fit for purpose.

So you did all of your due diligence and you pony up the 7 grand plus at a local store for a bike that's obviously designed to be a road riding ebike that will get you to work, shopping and all your daily travels at 28 mph. You won't get there sweaty and it won't take you an hour and a half to go 15 miles. It is pedal assist so you look like every bike commuter. Then one day out of the blue big brother, over the air, increases all your travel time by 30%.

Whose to blame? Blame is such a negative, accusatory word. Above all else I feel bad for all owners of Stromers. Everyone is to 'blame'. Governments allowed these bikes that were designed to be ridden on the road to be imported and sold. This practice was allowed even after formal ebike regulations were put in place. Manufacturers exported bikes to countries where they were illegal and dealers sold them to customers, they did so knowing the bikes weren't legal and I doubt they warned consumers. Consumers, having done their due diligence, should have known.

I place the lion share of the blame on governments allowing illegal ebikes to be imported and sold. Most of you remember lawn darts and 3 wheel ATV's. When governments decided they couldn't be sold, they disappeared. They didn't make owners put a fourth wheel on the 3 wheelers. Seems like the fair thing to do would be to limit new sales to meet regulations.
Totally agree on all counts
On the one hand it seems absurd that the cars driving next to me are going 100 in a 50 zone while I can not pedal past 30 even though my motor was designed to assist me as fast my legs will power it (which on my bikes is somewhere around 45-50 kmh). On the other hand if I crash here in Canada I will not get a hospital bill ( assuming I survive ). So as a tax payer I am happy for everyone else to be limited to 30, but don't touch my bikes because I can't drive twenty five!