Can I Trust DLG Batteries?

T Turtle

New Member
I've been researching several ebike manufacturers (e.g. Amigo, NCM) who use batteries assembled by DLG in China. I've read the best battery cells are produced by Samsung, LG, and Panasonic. I've also heard DLG uses cells from Samsung and Panasonic; however, I'm not certain I can trust that report. I'm concerned a could purchase an ebike with a DLG assembled battery that used low quality knock-off cells sourced locally in China. Has anyone had long term experience with DLG batteries? Should I trust the cells?
Here's an article for you. If that factory video is real, that's quite impressive.

I believe NCM bikes use a standard battery so that you can buy one from other vendors and it will work. If true I would not worry too much the stock battery should perform OK based on the cost of the bike, and if you need to purchase a new battery after a couple years, you should have options. I would look at that because to me this is more important in the long run.
Thanks harryS. I agree, the automation in that video is quite impressive. The article also states DLG is producing it's own Li-ion cells as well as performing the packaging operations to assemble the battery pack. If they are actually producing their OWN cells, it's unlikely they're purchasing cells from Samsung and Panasonic for ebikes, as i had previously read. Given the importance of the battery in an ebike, I'm still a little skeptical buying a battery that's not using cells from one of the "proven big 3" cell manufacturers. Has anyone had first hand experience with DLG (Dehawk) batteries?
Thanks CityExplorer. Valid point. I'll look into the inter-changeability of the DLG (Dehawk) battery pack.
Sadly name brand cells do not mean the pack is built to any standard.
Thanks harryS. I agree, the automation in that video is quite impressive. The article also states DLG is producing it's own Li-ion cells as well as performing the packaging operations to assemble the battery pack. If they are actually producing their OWN cells, it's unlikely they're purchasing cells from Samsung and Panasonic for ebikes, as i had previously read. Given the importance of the battery in an ebike, I'm still a little skeptical buying a battery that's not using cells from one of the "proven big 3" cell manufacturers. Has anyone had first hand experience with DLG (Dehawk) batteries?
I have two Dehawk batteries and have had no problems. One that came with my Amego and one I purchased afterwards from Leon Cycles in Seattle. Both are 624 W and get me anywhere from 50 to 80 kms using the higher assist levels.
Their cell production line is pretty much what we'll see in any facility producing cells.
The packs and cells are definitely generic cells. Several retailers sold generic cell packs and reports were OK. I'd rather go with a known reseller like UPP USA. We know they use brand name cells and also generic cells, but have a presence in the USA. Or the packs from resellers already reviewed here. They appear to be the producers of Duramax automobile batteries.
I found this article when I googled , can I trust DGL batteries. I found it to be quite useful.