Cadence sensor on Juggernaut Duo Mid


New Member
Put this up on the FB page and then realized this was probably a better place to ask: the $1699 Duo Mid offering on Indiegogo fits my budget right now. I love all the spec especially the 52 V battery at that price, but am concerned about the cadence sensor for anything more challenging than gravel riding. Have any of you used a cadence sensor'd Juggernaut for singletrack or steeper trails? Has anyone tweaked the programming of the BBS02 motor or did the stock programmig work for you?
Put this up on the FB page and then realized this was probably a better place to ask: the $1699 Duo Mid offering on Indiegogo fits my budget right now. I love all the spec especially the 52 V battery at that price, but am concerned about the cadence sensor for anything more challenging than gravel riding. Have any of you used a cadence sensor'd Juggernaut for singletrack or steeper trails? Has anyone tweaked the programming of the BBS02 motor or did the stock programmig work for you?
The cadence sensor on the BBS02 works great. You can tweak it further like this:
Thanks, Roshan for your input on this and all my other questions - your responsiveness is one of the reasons your product is at the top of my list right now.

Karl's blog is a black hole of information and I've gotten stuck in there for an hour at a time. I'm not planning on reprogramming unless I have to, but if I do I'd like to benefit from other people's experience. What I'd probably be doing if anything is lowering the PAS settings for more input from me the rider (been riding, racing and wrenching mountain bikes since the mid 80s).
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Also I'm not planning on riding it on double black uphills or downhills because I'm getting too old to break bones and I don't especially want to do it on a 75-lb bike ;-)
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Have you test ridden any bikes with a cadence (speed based) sensor and bikes with a “good” (Bosch, Brose, Shimano, Yamaha) torque sensor based system for comparison? If not, you really should try to before you make a purchase. This is especially true if you are planning to do off-road riding.
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