Buy now or wait?

It sounds like you need infrasctructure . If you had it the bike choice might be much easier.

My feeling is that the e-bike industry is letting us down by not working towards a common charging plug. If we had a common charging plug there would be more incentive for putting e-bike chargers in public places. Since I live in an area with lots of bike lanes and regional trails, charging stations are the only missing piece of infrastructure that I would want. I'd be happy to pay for charging too, not that it would use much electricity. As it is, to charge I need to bring my own charger, remove the battery, and find somewhere indoors to charge otherwise my charger might get stolen, or get wet (or otherwise damaged). Whereas a common plug and a charging station could be designed with those problems in mind.
I will take a "common" battery and laced-in hub motor (meaning - standard, available everywhere including Walmart), over a common plug, any day. It would take 1-1.5 hour to deplete 600W battery with some pedaling input, your butt won't be happy if you do this twice a day 5 times a week.

And a common e-repair shop for every 15-20 thousand population, please. People often stay clear because of logistics of repair, only brands that are overpriced for what they offer, have some sort of service centers.
And a common e-repair shop for every 15-20 thousand population, please. People often stay clear because of logistics of repair, only brands that are overpriced for what they offer, have some sort of service centers.
In fairness, the service centers are part of what they offer for the higher price.
Shopping and trying them is part of the fun.

I was able to narrow down what I like cuz I've ridden a bazillion years and there are things I like and don't like on the cheap bikes, but less things I don't like on the better bikes.

IMO there's merit staying with the big-company name brands as a stable commodity and more thorough testing. There are way too may 'buy parts from china' builders putting all kinds of junk together and marketing them to make a buck. Here today, gone to Maui. LOL

When I found out Yamaha had designed a mid-drive for Giant and others and then came out with their own brand of bikes, I was impressed.
I also really liked the Treks and Specialized, these brands have more refined product. They are more like the pedal bikes I've owned and ridden for years.
That said, there are some decent bikes coming out from new companies, and some new innovation. Having a decent bike shop behind you can be the difference between frustration and enjoyment. Choose wisely.

I was in a larger lbs this weekend looking at Giant and a guy showed up that got one a few months ago and has been commuting with it, put a couple of thousand miles on it, had worn out his tires, and was still in love with the bike, he even lost 20lbs - that spoke volumes. I bought one on the spot. And got my Yamaha drive system. I can't wait to put some miles on it.

So yeah, try them all and try to get a feel for what kind of riding you do and how you'll transport and care for a bike, how you'll use it, and get something that you know you'll have fun with.

And yes, every year there will be new models and technology advancements, but so what, enjoy the ride and learn while you go.

Getting a smartphone was a game-changer for me - I'm a 62yo tech guy. I'm guessing ebikes are going to be one as well. ;)
I went with the Rad Mini Step Thru, this is why, first, I know nothing about e bikes, but I'm somewhat mechanical minded, second, I like the looks of the Mimi and after reading and watching YouTube videos it became the e bike we wanted, and third, Rad from what all I could find out about them was good, handle there warranty claims, and gave good customer service. My second choice was the Scoozy, but never could get a delivery date, but still thought the Rad was the better choice. All being said, I just ordered two of them last Monday and haven't received them yet, so I guess time will tell. I did receive the accessories I ordered yesterday, all was in good condition and looked nicely made. Were retired so taking them with us in the RV should work well for us.
Hello Sharkbait, You wrote .."To be clear, I really want to buy now"....Well do it, now !! : ) It appears you're suffering from a
bad case analysis paralysis. I'm concerned that whatever bike you buy, whenever you buy it you'll enjoy it for a bit and then,
" If I only had waited for ...." or "I should have bought a ...."

Riding a bike is fun, especially an eBike, it's tons of fun. It's not a science project. You've done a lot of homework, which is good,
but it seems to me the research is getting in the way of what this is all about....Having fun... We're all different. Buying my eBike
went like this...I was in my LBS having my non traditional Hybrid bikes checked. My sales rep said saw my checking out a commuter
eBike and suggested I go out for a ride...I hesitated because deep down I was 'afraid' I'd like like it, then what ?

I took the commuter eBike for a 20 minute ride. In the first 10 minutes I knew it was for me. I didn't know
an eBike from a pound of cheese...Road back to my LBS and bought the bike on the spot. That was three years ago.
Every time I ride is like the first time...So much joy, a month later I bought a Mountain eBike for Rail Trail riding.
I have over 5200 combined miles on both bikes.

Hopefully this may be of some help, good luck.
I like your "analysis paralysis"You diagnosed my problem of choosing an ebike.I have made hasty purchases in the past and now I research everything to death so that I don't repeat past mistakes,which now puts me in that "analysis paralysis".I'm lucky to have a great LBS nearby,he has weaded out the problem ebikes,and that is where I will go to purchase my next ebike.
My feeling is that the e-bike industry is letting us down by not working towards a common charging plug. If we had a common charging plug there would be more incentive for putting e-bike chargers in public places. Since I live in an area with lots of bike lanes and regional trails, charging stations are the only missing piece of infrastructure that I would want. I'd be happy to pay for charging too, not that it would use much electricity. As it is, to charge I need to bring my own charger, remove the battery, and find somewhere indoors to charge otherwise my charger might get stolen, or get wet (or otherwise damaged). Whereas a common plug and a charging station could be designed with those problems in mind.

Kind of like phone chargers and car chargers, eh?
Ain't never happening for bikes cuz they all have different charging needs and that is likely to get more specific than common, just based on technology development. Its pretty easy to remove a batt and take it in to anywhere to charge on a 110plug if you carry a charger. No one would bat an eye, it's milliamps. LOL

We have about 4 common connector systems in the RC car industry, some based on watts/amps. Various battery sizes and capacities will also get more diverse before it becomes more the same. They use 3-5amp lithium-polymer batts. And they're compact, pack a lot of punch. Will catch on fire if you don't take care of them properly. LOL

I'm ready to see them develop battery management systems for relatively cheap that will condition the batteries - that's how you get the longest life and performance with battery power, and quick charging.
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He didn't say he's "ready" to buy, he said he wants to buy.

Although they probably mean pretty much the same thing, he's willing to purchase if he finds something that's right for him.

This kind of procrastination happens all the time with sportscars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, etc.

You have the money, you know you want to buy, but due to enormous amount of options and maybe lack of knowledge of what's out there, you're still hesitating to buy because the purchase price isn't cheap and nobody wants to waste their hard earned money.
Everything in US consumer marketing is heavily programmed toward getting everyone to buy NOW. There isn't any company selling a consumer product who wants you to wait. They all make it all about 'waiting is a mistake.'. It's all about FOMO, BOGO, zero payments for 6 months, no payment for a year, 'life is short', etc etc , and on and on. Even the politicians have gotten super desperate, and are ALL spouting garbage like 'free college', 'universal income', seducing voters with the old 'you deserve it NOW', meaning 'no waiting', no 'hard work', no having to save money, and instant gratification.

A politician will always say 'buy now.'

I say to wait.