Bosch Battery Keys in the USA!

Funny mine is like an inverse key, straight on the edges with a path milled in the middle, this key would not work. Came with a spare BTW. -S

My key is like yours. Possibly different from @NoDTMF because our bikes are from a different manufacturer than his...

I've only ever used it once! Charge on- bike.
Odd....I would have assume it was a Bosch thing, I guess not.

I know this is a trivial matter, lol, but just curious: does your original key have "Trelock" embossed on the top part? Mine also has a serial number consisting of one letter and 6 digits engraved in the key portion.
My originals say AXA stamped on the plastic. A number is stamped on the metal part of the key.

BTW, not so trivial a subject, another section of the forum compares Bosch to a hub design, and mentions in the "cost of ownership" section, the cost of the keys!
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So it looks like we figured out the keys are different because of different bike manufacturers...and I better not lose my keys or I'll be out the big bucks!