Borp, Gorp, Torp, Sorp, Lorp, Borp, Orp

Mixed results on that AirZound horn.

Anyway, as reported above, I just ordered the ORP horn/light, which I found on for $20 less for the white color, which just happens to match my bike.
What about an car or motorcycle horn. A lot cheaper. When I get my GenZe next week that is what I think I will do.
I will already have a 3 cell lipol under the seat to power the LEDs that I will put on. So a horn will be no problem.
Keep looking up! Ken.
I am a bit too late, but with this one's 115 dB you could have blasted anyone out of your way.
I've tried the AirZound at a bike shop, great for auto traffic, not so good for pedestrian traffic:eek: My only concern with the system is that many ebikes don't have even one water bottle mounting location/bosses. If you do will you want to use your one for a horn?
For a more compact, but loud horn that doesn't need to tie up your water bottle mounts, check out the 140db Hornit. Simple, battery operated mount on the handlebars with a trigger button that you place near the brakes. It has a little more narrow width of sound coverage than the AirZound, but is very piercing.
I find this thread disturbing. Do we live in society or is it just about me, me, me?

"Strong strobe" - you do know there are people out there with epilepsy, right?

"140db, loud as a jet engine" - there are also some silly people who would like to avoid permanent tinnitus.

"get pedestrians to move out of the way" - how about you slow down and go around?

I believe the phrases are "share the path", and "share the road".
The reason I want a car horn, is for when the car driver that blows their horn at me and is cussing and swearing at me to get on the sidewalk. I will blow my car horn and point at them and say the FLA. law says that bicycles are to ride on the street with the flow of traffic. Ken.
I don't care how many times I see that video, I laugh!
Hilarious. Sounded like a train approaching. Would probably kill pedestrians with a heart attack regardless of age or condition. How about a ship foghorn.
Would be fun to have a choice of 6 or 8 sounds to choose from at an increased level, as needed.

- yep, foghorn
- car horn
- normal bike bell but loud
- tune from Jaws
etc, etc.
I use a mirabell.. 10 dollars. works great. Where in god's name do you people ride that a very loud horn is necessary? I ride in the Miami Burbs, not exactly friendly to biking.. People notice me and give me my space, mostly. The ones who don't aren't going to be influenced by a horn.. In fact they might even get more ignorant with their driving!
ipod wearing pedestrians on a multi-use path who are right in the middle and not listening to the sounds around them. They don't hear a regular bell (I've tried 2 different ones). They can hear the lower level ORP sound. I never need to use the loudest sound. Once I've been able to get their attention, I then yell, "On Your Left!" so they can associate the sound they just heard to what is happening. I wish there was a bike bell on steroids (like what the ORP can do only the sound is a bike bell), but that doesn't exist.

I did use the ORP loudest sound to signal a car pulling out onto the road I was riding on. They were backing out from their driveway. They were not paying attention or not enough attention. I wanted to make sure that person knew I was there.

It's standard defensive driving...err...cycling.
One problem is that car horns attract little attention to pedestrians and other cyclists on bike paths. I used my Orp for 6 months and while some cars heard it, most walkers or cyclists paid no attention as the sound emitted is not immediately recognized as a moving vehicle.
The Loud horn on Kickstarter is designed to sound just like an automobile horn. They claim people do react because it sounds just like a car. I cancelled my order because I am not sure I need it where I ride.