Booby-trapped trails, paths, MUT's and MUP's


Well-Known Member
Piedmont Highlands
I have no idea how long trails have been booby-trapped, I've been hearing about it for many years. We had a local natural surface rail trail here in central PA booby-trapped with large tacks a couple of years ago. Same was going on in a few state parks in western Maryland. It's likely been going on since bikes originally hit the trails that hikers thought were their own.

I guess some see it as a relatively harmless way to stop a cyclist in their tracks. It wouldn't be harmless to children. It would also be serious issue for people enjoying the outdoors with their pets.

Everyone has a right to protest what they feel are injustices, but some protesters of late think it's okay to hurt innocent people or damage private property of people that have nothing to do with the issue at stake, just to make a point. Either that or to get published on social media or cable news.

I don't know if posting this is helpful, I just thought everyone should be aware.

Once in awhile the criminals are caught.

Every year, we have a large Bike MS event here where I live. (I've been a ham radio communication volunteer for 25 years for this and other public service events.)

3 years ago, someone stretched mono-filament fishing line across the route. The cyclist who ran into it was more surprised than hurt, but that could have been dumb luck. What if it had been a child or other small person? What if it hit on the throat instead of the chest? Etc.

Last year, someone sprinkled thumb tacks along one or two-tenths of the course. The SAG support vehicles (which I coordinate) were slam full taking riders to the nearest rest stop where there was a mechanic. That's not to mention all the riders who self-repaired with their own tubes. One of the mechanics told me he used over 100 tubes.

It seems that having 2000+ cyclists riding in front of your house raising money for a good cause is just too much to bear. I get that it slows down traffic in the vicinity, but on the rural routes we use, there's never that much traffic.

"I like the idea of people, but people keep screwing it up." -- Damon Wayans
I've encountered wire strung across creeks while whitewater kayaking.. Hunting and fishing clubs think they "own" the river running through their properties..
Horrors. I had no idea this stuff was happening. I've heard stories from locals about things that used to happen to cyclists on my commute route such as getting shot by bb or pellet guns or glass or tacks intentionally strewn. I wasn't sure whether to believe them or chalk them up to urban legend. Fortunately I haven't experienced anything like that but the videos above remind me how much hatred some folks seem to carry around.
Sad the majority of the videos in the OP is where I live and ride or have ridden. It might have been a year ago or two. Someone dropped tacks along a very popular road that cyclists use for hill climb training. Not such a big problem climbing but descending some of these bikes reach higher speeds and could have been disastrous if someone had a blow-out...
Another victim in Portland...Very disheartening

Horror stories. Ever since reading the initial posts in this thread I've been thinking about the possibility of booby traps when I'm commuting. A lot of my commuting is in the dark so I'd likely never see a wire or line. As if we aren't vulnerable enough with dangerous drivers...
Motorized dirt bikers have dealt with these tactics for decades. Earth First were frequent perps.

I recall that when I was a kid, the older brother of a kid in my grade was killed. Perhaps decapitated. Always rode his dirt bike into some private property. The entrance was always open until one day it wasn't. A chain strung across the entrance. An accident we were told ...
Another thread discussing criminal activity on bike trails reminded me of this thread. I looked for more news on the issue.

The stories go on and on. Be careful out there folks!
This is astounding. I had no idea this was such a big problem as posted. So much hatred /anger out there, and so many of them need some serious couch time indeed. Save us all from these monsters and God help us all! Ride safe!
You know, I have not encountered ANYTHING like this, EVER. I'm sure there are some isolated incidents occurring, but I refuse to believe or ride like I'm in the middle of an apocalypse.

I think more people need to get out of their echo chambers of horrors, and ride their bikes ;).
This is astounding. I had no idea this was such a big problem as posted. So much hatred /anger out there, and so many of them need some serious couch time indeed. Save us all from these monsters and God help us all! Ride safe!
Bob, while it is apparently a real problem and very alarming, it is not a big problem. Let's not all get our knickers in a twist about a few random incidents that are made to seem like a big problem, when in fact they are more likely a rare occurrence, amplified by modern communication methods.
These stories seem to appear every few years here in Australia. The one linked above occured about an hours drive south of me. They usually take the form of tacks on paths, wire across trails or gangs mugging or scaring trail users, all of which are deeply unpleasant but thankfully seem isolated incidents.

Personally I'm far more concerned about our four wheeled friends and the dietrius of collisions and drunken juvenile evenings. I, like probably all of us, have had a few close calls from inattentive drivers over the years. Thats the risk that gives me pause before jumping on the bike, not these horror stories. It's that mentality of having to suit up in protective 'armour' - reflective vest, helmet, gloves, lights - that I think is the biggest deterrent to more mainstream take up of cycling and commuting.
People used to do the same thing when motorcycles started hitting the trails in the 60's and 70's. Guess I told my age. I'm still doing easy trails and lots of dirt roads at 70.
Bob, while it is apparently a real problem and very alarming, it is not a big problem. Let's not all get our knickers in a twist about a few random incidents that are made to seem like a big problem, when in fact they are more likely a rare occurrence, amplified by modern communication methods.
Well said Richard. Thanks for the reality check and the reassurance regarding this issue. This could ruin any rider's mindset. When I first read this, I would sometimes think of blind spots on the trails I ride where someone could potentially pull this trick on an unsuspecting rider. Certainly not worth thinking about too much as we all need to always focus on our happiness on and off our E-bikes. Cheers!
You are still more likely to die from a collusion with an auto. Just ride safely no matter where you go.
Bike Commuters Are Dying in Record Numbers
I really do wish that folks would not use videos, articles, statistics, etc., that are years old when supporting an assertion 😉. The article about bike commuters had numbers from 2016, and even stated the numbers had gone DOWN the following year.

Just because information is on the internet doesn't mean it's accurate, or current. Check dates, please 🙏.
Where is a forum moderator when we need them?
I don't to disparage the moderators, but they could still be trying to make a decision on the Chicago Mayor thread. 😉

I will admit I have been trying to comment less on some of the more politically charged threads lately. Having said that. I don't really see any real need for any moderation on this one, but that's just one man's opinion.

As for "sources" and their veracity/timeliness, huge agreement from me. There's way too many click bait links with way too many unsubstantiated stories. It's easy to see how things get twisted.

Regardless, in all aspects in life, one needs to pay attention to one's surroundings, not just on an expensive e-bike. Places I would park my car 30 years ago are often places I wouldn't dream of today. I can't think of anywhere locally that I wouldn't ride my bike, but don't have to think very hard about some places in other areas I've visited where I would be extra cautious or avoid all together.

My $0.02