Bike To Bike Communication


Well-Known Member
Northeast Pennsylvania
Almost any product used to communicate while biking is better than riding two abreast or yelling over your shoulder. My wife and I now use simple FRS walkie talkies worn around our necks. This requires taking one hand off the handlebar to push to talk which my wife finds risky. Also, the wind noise is sometimes an issue.

This topic was discussed here a year or so ago with many opinions and products discussed. Is there anything new on the market that any here have seen? The no hands Bluetooth products seem to be the best way to go. Right now, I'm looking at the Terrano products. Their X series headsets are sold out and the newer XT series are on backorder.

The Sena helmets with built in Bluetooth communication are another possibility. This means switching helmets though which is sometimes difficult to get a good fit.

Both options are expensive and something of a risk to try sight unseen. Has anyone used either product or found something better?
Sena makes good equipment. Used them with motorcycle helmets. You can buy a module that attaches to a helmet -- you might have to use some ingenuity to get it to work on your existing helmets, but worth looking into.

Or, something like this might do the trick. The PTT switch velcros to your finger, or maybe you could velcro it to the handlebar next to your thumb.

Good luck!
I agree about Sena making quality products. I'd be willing to try one of their helmets but I'm concerned about the fit. My wife says I have a fat head since I wear an XL Giro model. According to the specs for the Sena large size helmet, it would be too small. The Sena helmets also don't have a visor which is a must for me. It would mean trying to fit an after market visor somehow.
Thanks Alaskan! I'll check them out.
It is not my every day helmet. This is what my wife and I wear when we ride together. They work great. There is a remote that mounts on the handlebar with a "push to talk" button and turn signal controls as well.
An update for anyone interested:

Based on suggestions made here and on other forums, I decided against a kit to add the communication function to an existing helmet. I found too many complaints of loose wires, connectors coming loose and parts falling off. I narrowed my search down to two helmets with built in communicators, the Livall BH60 and the Sena X1


Both products cost around $200 and have similar features including handlebar remote controls and smartphone apps. The Livall has a nifty turn signal feature on the back of the helmet controlled by the handlebar remote but only has a 30 meter range. The Sena lacks the turn signal but has a 900 meter range. Since I rarely ride on public roads and often get separated from my partner on the trail, I opted for the greater range and went with the Sena X1.

My wife and I had a 30 mile outing with them yesterday and the results were nothing short of amazing! Being able to talk freely at a range of a quarter mile, without pushing a button to talk, adds a whole new dimension to biking! Voices are crystal clear, like you are sitting across the kitchen table from each other. The product is already worth the investment and I have yet to play with the MP3 player, built in FM radio, group intercom or smartphone app!

I was a bit concerned that the published sizing of both the Livall and Sena would be too small, but with the adjustment at max, the Sena fit fine. I solved the visor issue with this Bell replacement product:

The "rib" spacing of the visor matched that of the helmet perfectly and was easily attached with velcro.

I added my favorite EVT rear view mirror and I'm good to go!

P1060881a.jpg P1060880a.jpg

Thanks to all who offered help!
Those helmets are definitely awesome! My wife and I tend to get separated on the trail also, as she prefers to ride behind me rather than taking the lead, and I tend to ride quite a bit faster than her. After she had the bad spill a couple of weeks ago, it made me realize we need some way to communicate other than cell phone. Fortunately I was close enough to her on that occasion to see what happened in my mirror, but often I get far enough ahead where she is completely out of sight. I will have to look into this. Thanks for posting it.
Sena helmets are my favorite accessory!

In addition to the X1, there is now an R1. The X1 fits round heads better, and the R1 fits oval heads better. Round and oval refer to the shape when viewed from the top. With my round head, most helmets squeeze at my temples, so I have to go to a Large or XL, but with the X1, I can do a Medium.

Anyone have any updates besides what is posted here on bike-to-bike intercoms/communicators?

Terrano is offering 25% off and I was thinking about pulling the trigger on them to just add to existing helmets and reviews are good but in reading but in the reading the comments here, I am now rethinking that and considering Senna.

For what it's worth, this is what happened to me last summer when I got distracted while trying to communicate with my wife who was behind me WITHOUT using a communicator.

I know, no excuse but if I would have had intercom, this wouldn't have happened. And yes, I was wearing a helmet but didn't help in this case....did a 3 point landing on my face and knees, and 3 points on my face: forehead, nose, and lip got it pretty bad. Fortunately superficial but not fun and not good.

The only "good" news is that instead of the standard 3 hour wait to be seen in the ER, they took one look at me and said "Trauma 1". The wheels on the wheelchair never stopped rolling. :)

At the time, I thought that the communicators were pretty pricey, and they are, but compared to what I paid for ER services, they would have been a bargain, not to mention reducing danger to life and limb.

And no, I won't be listening to music or making phone calls. Only to communicate to my wife in a safer and smarter way.

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Well, I thought that being on this site cost me money, but you are right - helmet communicators are a LOT less expensive than a crash!

I had only known of the Sena stuff from their high quality MC helmet units, the kind you have to attach to an existing helmet. But thanks to you guys I discovered their X1 'all-in-one' units.

Just purchased 2 of them off Amazon. Price was $150 per unit - as you can see prices vary (up to $200) by color and size. Heck, for a $50 difference I'm not that vain!

Thanks again to those who posted to this thread, and helped me spend some more money - in a good way!
was going to pull the trigger on the R1 Evo but they are out of stock.

The new Evo's are definitely in demand and can be hard to find. The only real difference I see with the new EVO's is the mesh technology which allows more riders to connect at the same time. The older R1 and X1's are limited to 4.

The R1 (not EVO) in medium size white is out of stock on Amazon but all the other colors and sizes are available:

If you're not too particular about having the latest model, the older Sena X1 helmet is also available.

It's about the same price and slightly less stylish but limited to 4 riders connecting at once.
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I think that he's looking for the R1 Evo, the one with all of the bells & whistles.
Thanks 6zfshdb,
I looked at that but the the latest greatest R1 Evo is $159 on the Sena site.
So my thinking is for about the same money get the latest, it has voice commands that appeal to me for safety while riding. the back of mind, do I want my wife being able to talk to me nonstop on a bike ride? 😁
These two guys are fishing and one says to the other. I think I aim going to divorce my wife. The second guy says why. First guy says, she hasn't talked to me in a week. Second guy. You better think about that , that kind of women is hard to find.