Bike Destinations - e-Bike Friendly


Member Since 2014
I thought it would be nice to hear about bike destinations around the world, for a great bike ride. Often times in winter I get caught up with all the things to do that, the only riding I get in is my commute. This is when I plan the destinations I will try to get to in better weather.

I had planned to ride the abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike this past summer and didn't get there. So it's at the top of my list of destinations for 2015. The PA turnpike was mostly built on a defunct railroad line by Eisenhower after WWII, he patterned it on the super highways of Germany. This was America's first super highway. It was where many of the things were invented and developed that we take for granted the world over like: rumble strips, cats-eye road reflectors and even guard rails.

In the 1960's the tunnels through the mountains had to be twinned to accommodate the growing number of cars and trucks on our highways. Three of the tunnels were bypassed. Today one of the old tunnels has been leased to a company for the development of Indy race cars. The other two tunnels and the surrounding land was gifted to conservation. These two tunnels are open to the public for hiking, biking and camping.

The roadway is rough, tunnels are old and the property is an "enter at your own risk" site. I just have to see it! And for us e-bikers this is a great destination. You can stay at a nearby motel, ride the road and tunnels on one battery charge. One tunnel is more than a mile long so you need a good headlight but the total round trip from a Breezewood, PA. motel down the roadway, through the two tunnels and back is 30 to 32 miles max.

A quick tour:

The long bicycle tour:

There is plenty more information on the internet, just Google: "Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike".

What bike trip, or e-bike trip is in your plans?
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this past summer we biked all Maine islands that gave you decent mileage and a decent road. We did Swan's Island, Islesboro, Vinalhaven, North Haven, Peaks Island and Mt.Desert Island (Acadia NP). I posted some of the trips here on this forum but in general I would recommend spending 1 to 2 nights on each island. It's a great time - fresh air, seafood, lighthouses, wonderful empty beaches and so on...
Working from home today recovering from flu and watching as we got a foot more snow, I really started to think and plan my warm weather bike tours. Ebike friendly bike tours take a fair amount of planning, but I'm fortunate the area in which I live has many rail to trail destinations. I'm really thinking hard on this and searching online for possible ebike destinations.

Any good ideas, websites, links?
Working from home today recovering from flu and watching as we got a foot more snow, I really started to think and plan my warm weather bike tours. Ebike friendly bike tours take a fair amount of planning, but I'm fortunate the area in which I live has many rail to trail destinations. I'm really thinking hard on this and searching online for possible ebike destinations.

Any good ideas, websites, links?

Me and @opimax have been thinking of 2 day Great Alleghany Passage trip (GAP).

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Me and @opimax have been thinking of 2 day Great Alleghany Passage trip (GAP).

The GAP, great destination Ravi. I've done the C&O but it's been 15 years, Paw Paw tunnel is very cool! Some friends of mine did the GAP last summer, unfortunately I was not able to go so it's still on my to do list. One friend said she wish she had a big, fat, comfortable seat on that ride. I told her you don't hear too many women wish that :eek: I expect the track on the GAP may be a little rough, so Ravi and Opi take your comfy seats!
Join us if you can. It'll be after the second week in April. We have plenty of time to coordinate the logistics.
I have done the trail pieces over the years, basically from DC to Pitt, skipping the up incline from I think Frostberg-Cumberland. My last extended ride last year involved an epic trip which involved a flat tire, using the paw paw tunnel as a land mark to find my brother at 1am with the pick up vehicle. No cell signal, no gps signal, battery dead anyway , arriving home at 4am instead of 9pm , ahh bad memories , can't wait to do this again! :)
Great website, already found some trails that look like winners which were not on my radar.
Glad you found some trails. Rails to Trails have done a remarkable job and will continue to grow. I think you might even enjoy the San Juan Islands, besides, Seattle, Wa is a fun city on your way there.
One of my favorite places to ride an e-bike is a trail that goes around Saddle Creek Golf Resort in Gold Country California. A few miles away from Highway 49, this resort has Quail Trail that is basically a fire road the circles a figure 8 around the resort. It's beautiful, has sweeping hills, ups and downs and slithers through the countryside, which can be quite hot in Summer. The climbs aren't terriblly hard, so you can do it without assist too if you like, but there's no one ever on these trails so an going with an e-bike can make this a fun fast run. But, the best part about it is that is on a beautiful resort! So, if you're feeling it, you can cruise around on this private property trail for an hour or two and if you get thirsty you can check in at one of many rest spots on the Golf course, take a swig of ice cold water, freshin up in the WC if you need to and then get back on and ride. It's civilized off-road e-bike riding at its best. At the end of the day, head over to the lodge for a great meal and, if you Golf, even get a few holes in.

Here's a video I made last year.

and then this is what it looked like just yesterday. There was lots of mud on the trail in areas which made for lots of fun.

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Join us if you can. It'll be after the second week in April. We have plenty of time to coordinate the logistics.

Thanks Ravi! A very kind offer, unfortunately for me not the best timing. Hopefully next time I can join the region's e-biker gang, I expect you guys will have a blast shooting the GAP!
Here is a website that I think everyone will like:
Beautiful trails up in Vancouver, BC and Victoria, BC. The Pacific Northwest is a great place to visit and bike. The Centennial trail that runs from Spokane, Wa to Couer d Alene, Id. is great.

Hey Tom, great links, thanks. The US is just dotted with old RR lines being added bike and hike trails every year, the great northwest is on my list. Canada also has some great riding west and east, I rode a big chunk of Gaspé Peninsula's ring road along the St. Lawrence Seaway and Atlantic coast. One of the nicest tours I've ever done, except I don't speak French.... or Country-Canadian-French.
Hey Tom, great links, thanks. The US is just dotted with old RR lines being added bike and hike trails every year, the great northwest is on my list. Canada also has some great riding west and east, I rode a big chunk of Gaspé Peninsula's ring road along the St. Lawrence Seaway and Atlantic coast. One of the nicest tours I've ever done, except I don't speak French.... or Country-Canadian-French.

J.R., Glad you checked them out. If you do get a chance to go to British Columbia you will have a wonderful time. It is really beautiful up there. Here's one site that might be of help.