I had a thought lastnight. By the time this comes up, I should have enough time to outfit the truck with stuff that we could make breakfast on site before we ride off. I can bring a couple of campstoves, eggs, bacon, fried taters. Just a nice hardy meal before heading off. Sorry, no avacado toast.
Sounds like a tailgate party. Great idea!
The western end near Breezewood would not be a good spot due to it's close proximity to busy, noisy US 30. The eastern end off Pump Station Rd is also not good due to limited space. A better location would be that DCNR game land parking area off Oregon Rd near the center of the trail. It's a fairly level half acre gravel lot.
The best possible place would be the old abandoned Howard Johnson rest area. The buildings have all been demolished and just a big concrete parking lot remains. The only problem with this spot is the entrance road is blocked off most of the time. I'm told it's only opened for special events like rallies, meets, etc. I don't know if a small group like ours would qualify and even who needs to be contacted.
To give a better idea of the layout, below are Google Earth screenshots of the parking areas:
Western end near Breezewood:
On a couple of occasions, I've driven my 4WD pickup to the top of the steep bank by the barricades to unload. My truck has a skid plate and is set up for off road use though. It's quite rough and risky for normal 4WD vehicles.
Oregon Road location, midway on the trail:
There's plenty of room, it's quiet and convenient to the trail.
Pump Station Road location at the eastern end:
Not much room to park or for a tailgate party.
For anyone who uses Google Earth or a GPS in their vehicle, the GPS coordinates are shown in the pics next to the yellow push pins. For anyone interested, here's a list so you can copy & paste them into G.E.
Breezewood: N39 59.996 W78 13.684
Oregon Rd: N40 02.676 W78 09.679
Pump Station: N40 02.870 W78 05.699
Keep in mind all the above was based on my last visit there 2 years ago. It's possible things have changed.
I have a dozen small 2 way radios with neck lanyards that I use for group rides. They're handy to keep everyone informed. If you don't mind riding with something around your neck, I'll bring them along. Thoughts?