Bbshd not working. Please help.


New Member
Am a new to the diy ebike scene. My new bbshd conversion kit arrived and I set it up on a Northrock cxoo fat bike. I have the brake lever, DPC18 display, thumb throttle, speed sensor, and gearshift sensor all installed. The bike was fine on a test ride, and after like 4miles of using both PAS(all levels 1-9) and throttle with speeds of like 25-30mph it suddenly stopped working. Sometimes I can hear the motor trying to kick in and spin the chainring but then it stops. When I got home I tried diagnostics on it by disconnecting the brakes, then swapped displays, disconnected gearshift sensor. But all in vain. At low PAS you heard faint hissing noise but nothing spinning. At high PAS 9 the gear does spin and you can see it. I am thinking the problem could be with 1. The clutch, 2. Or the pinion gear(the small metalic gear), 3. Or the nylon gear. I may be totally wrong. I need help figuring out what could be wrong. I can post some shot clips of the problem if that will help.
Well, there are a lot of possibilities. Hers a great post and troubleshooting thread.
It's not likely anything with the nylon gear. That's an urban legend.
The clutch could be an issue. You'll need to open the case and review it. Pinion gear failure would also be very unusual.
As early mechanic failures, the clutch is perhaps the most common You're on the right path and this will help.
Thank you very much for your response. I have placed and order for a new clutch so that when I open the motor up I could try swapping them and see if that solves the issue. I did open up the controller and double checked all connections everything was looking great. I even checked all white and black pin connections and there was nothing wrong with the pins either. And the fact that it sometimes spins in the highest PAS when on stand and tries to spin and fails when the tire is on ground tells me the problem is mechanical not electrical. The clutch will be my first try. I still invite any inputs if anybody has any.
You can examine the clutch. Pretty simple to test. Just pay attention to the orientation when replaceing. If the pawls are stuck or the internal bearing doesn't spin freely, it's up for replacement.
Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 11.31.52 AM.png
Yeah I did check the clutch and it looks in a very good shape. I opened the motor core to look at the rotor and I believe that's where the problem maybe. Because the rotor shaft is not spinning you can hear a hissing spin it's quiet but the actual rotor shaft doesn't kick in to spin especially on the low PAS. On high PAS it sometimes kicks in and spins with the loud noise which is to be expected since it's all open. So I took out the rotor to inspect and it seems fine to me. Unless there is something specific to look for I don't see any obvious sign of a problem. Some am stuck, could it be just the rotor or could it be the coils and all that stuff? I can't figure out how to attach videos on here otherwise I would post shot clips of what am trying to explain.
Thank you for helping. I do need all the help I can get.

Those are the pictures. I can seem to figure out how to post a shot video that would have been helpful in explaining what's going on.
Yes I have. They're asking for videos and pictures. Which I have been sending them, but they haven't been so helpful as of yet. The seller is DERUIZEBIKES-US off of Amazon. I purchased the conversation kit including the battery.
Just sent them the video showing the rotor spinning sporadically on high PAS and not spinning at all on lower PAS. So am waiting for their response.
So just an update from the seller. They emailed me after I sent them the video of the problem. They believe that the problem is with the controller. So they are going to send me a new controller to replace the one I currently have. Am kinda on the fence of the issue being with the controller but I hope am wrong. We'll see if the new controller fixes the issue. I'll update when that happens.
So just an update from the seller. They emailed me after I sent them the video of the problem. They believe that the problem is with the controller. So they are going to send me a new controller to replace the one I currently have. Am kinda on the fence of the issue being with the controller but I hope am wrong. We'll see if the new controller fixes the issue. I'll update when that happens.
Not unheard of. Electrical components can do weird things. Glad they responded. Please share the outcome and solution. It’s how we all learn and can help each other!
Clutches and chainring gear are known to have early failures. Not a high percentage, actually somewhat rare, but possible. Especially the clutch. Often failed clutch pawls are the culprit.

Here's the best troubleshooting thread. Sebz created a great thread!
