Battery Cost: $1,299

Not 'may be going up'. 'Are going up' :-( . I have three packs ordered right now myself.

I heard about one seller (Electro Bike World) jacking up their prices big time (their L3 20ah Sondors Original pack went from 599 to 719). A little poking around and word I heard was this was tip of the iceberg. I got my order in at Bicycle Motor Works just before he raised prices on his 25R packs (the ones I bought went from 369 to 419). Talking to him afterwards on my third pack - a custom build - he gave me some details and basically ... yeah if you want a pack now you aren't doing yourself any favors by waiting as prices are going up.

Interestingly his prices on 40T packs (21700) are low. A 16ah 14S4P is 439. A 15ah 14S6P 30Q is 539. Apparently he has good stock / availability on the 40T cell.
You sure have kept up with these things. I'm going to look up those sites you're referring to. It's a whole world I should learn about. Thanks "M"
Actually, just to add, I don't know if normal Reention Dorado battery will fit Juiced wide frame.

But I know that Juiced wide batteries will fit Juiced narrow frame, I just don't know if it can be vice-versa
At the industrial level in Asia, Premium Cells have gone up by 50-60% according to my representative there. They are having a hard time with contracts when the supply just does not exist to fulfill pre-orders. These costs are passed down with each mark-up and distribution hand-off.
I will guess that with the big margins the temptation increases to use counterfeit cells given that the warranty is void if you open the housing to check.
I looked at rebuild batteries or batteries by some of the companies that rebuild that are made for specific bikes a while back
and I honestly did not check what cells they were using

but they were the reputable rebuilders listed on here in a couple of places and they were definitely cheaper than buying stock from the original brand, not half-price but some savings
Do you have a link to that list? I need a replacement battery
Hi batkins111, welcome to EBR.

In case you didn't know you can use @vincent to get a notification sent to that member and possibly catch his attention sooner. That becomes even more useful when you look above and slightly right of his post and see that he posted that message Jan 14th (if I remember) then a few others, nun more recent.

Investigating a bit further click on his name/handle/ whatever you call it. Click on recent activity. He was around posting on Friday but maybe not focused on this thread at the time. @ and his name should help.

I'll be interested in any answer you get too.

Again welcome.
Hi batkins111, welcome to EBR.

In case you didn't know you can use @vincent to get a notification sent to that member and possibly catch his attention sooner. That becomes even more useful when you look above and slightly right of his post and see that he posted that message Jan 14th (if I remember) then a few others, nun more recent.

Investigating a bit further click on his name/handle/ whatever you call it. Click on recent activity. He was around posting on Friday but maybe not focused on this thread at the time. @ and his name should help.

I'll be interested in any answer you get too.

Again welcome.

For what bike?

Did you check out Jenny's post?
Many people on EBR bought batteries from her, sounds like she's a reliable seller.
@Timpo Thank you for the info!! I have a hyperscorpion
There is no directly replacement for Hyperscorpion as Juiced uses in-house designed wider battery case.
That is not to say one that you buy from Jenny (Reention 440mm casings) do not fit.
It may just look awkward because they might look a little tucked in, but I have no way to confirm that narrow battery will fit in wide frame of Juiced Bikes.

However, what I can confirm is that, Juiced's wide batteries will fit Reention Dorado powered ebikes with narrow frames.
I just don't know if it work the other way around. I'm pretty sure it will, but I am yet to see anyone trying it.
Good to know! I have been wanting to add a second battery for a while so I'll do that now but would still need to replace the main battery. I have no problem paying the $1300 for one, just sucks that there is non available. Pretty much everything I have wanted to purchase this past year has had production issues due to Covid.
Battery packs with Reention 440mm casings are available all over AliExpress.
or sometimes they're called 390mm depending on how they measure it.
@Timpo Is the second link a replacement for the OEM battery and the 1st being a auxiliary or secondary battery? Have you heard any feedback on quality and how they match up to the juiced bike 52v? You are a rock star and appreciate the info more than you know
I don't see much difference between Juiced and Rize. So let's compare batteries and prices.
The Rize batteries consist of LG M36 cells or LG M26, you can surmise which by the Ah figures.
(LG M36 cells confirmed)
In USA 48V 17Ah costs $599

48V 12.8Ah costs $699

$100 more for smaller battery. Adjusted for size it's hundreds more even for their smaller batteries. I estimate you'd be paying Juice $250 more for an equivalent 17Ah.

There's nothing illegal about posting emails scrubbed of personal info, unless you signed a non disclosure agreement. It could be illegal to claim they said something when they didn't.

There's nothing illegal about posting emails scrubbed of personal info, unless you signed a non disclosure agreement. It could be illegal to claim they said something when they didn't.
A lot of 'not illegal' actions are portrayed as published slander by litigious companies being outed.
Look at people being sued for calling Yelp's phony reviews out? There's a legal service company they sponsor and protect that makes a living suing people for bad reviews after burning customers. I didn't bow down, countersued and won. I couldn't get an injunction to shut him down, because he's not even a company. It's run out of a postal annex. Not even a business license or a tax ID. The owner is practicing law and serving documents when he's unlicensed. All those bad process services are illegal and subject to dismissal of the actions if counsel ever finds out.
The parasite watches for people complaining about a company, sends them a letter of demand and says "we'll settle for xyz for your slander".
It must work. He hasn't stopped in 6 years that I know of.
I published the certified judgment against him, he complained and Yelp took it down. That's why you don't know. It goes on all around you. These criminals hire companies like Yelp to protect them. You get scared and take his offer, you sign an agreement not to talk as well. People don't know an agreement not to reveal a crime is 100% void and fall for it.



A simple note at the bottom of an email that say's it's confidential can be considered an NDA if you initiated contact and replied.
It often says that by answering - if you are the intended party - you agree to the NDA.
Because of your last sentence, I rescind my offer to send you the email. I'll produce it if ever I have to go to court. No need to be nasty. Not trying to hurt this company. I just used this forum to find out if there was any good reason for the high price. Could be that much technically superior. I really wanted to buy this bike.
I bought a RC-S to keep in Yuma for my 5 months of wintering. I too thought the replacement battery cost is excessive compared to my R1U 700. Glad I didn't let that worry keep me from the purchase. This bike is a killer! If the battery lasts 5 years that's only $300 a year. That's really inexpensive for a hobby. Just buy the bike and take pleasure in the complements you'll get during a pub break!
I bought a RC-S to keep in Yuma for my 5 months of wintering. I too thought the replacement battery cost is excessive compared to my R1U 700. Glad I didn't let that worry keep me from the purchase. This bike is a killer! If the battery lasts 5 years that's only $300 a year. That's really inexpensive for a hobby. Just buy the bike and take pleasure in the complements you'll get during a pub break!

RipCurrent S is a beautiful thing. Congratulations! I ended up getting the Sondors MSX. Fortunately I bought it just before a price raise. I like it a lot. Not as nice as that Ripcurrent though...
RipCurrent S is a beautiful thing. Congratulations! I ended up getting the Sondors MSX. Fortunately I bought it just before a price raise. I like it a lot. Not as nice as that Ripcurrent though...
I watched a video by the owner of Sandos. He's crazy!!! He does have a sence of humor, though🤗
I watched a video by the owner of Sandos. He's crazy!!! He does have a sence of humor, though🤗
He's a gregarious lower level form of Elon Musk. He does offer a good vehicle at a better price and for that I admire him.
RipCurrent S is a beautiful thing. Congratulations! I ended up getting the Sondors MSX. Fortunately I bought it just before a price raise. I like it a lot. Not as nice as that Ripcurrent though...
I bought an MXS too. I like it also. I had a LBS do a tune up on it and as I had heard of Rock Stars being shipped without grease on headset bearings and other places I asked him to check those on the MXS as well. Dry as a bone.

Much smoother function all around now.
I bought an MXS too. I like it also. I had a LBS do a tune up on it and as I had heard of Rock Stars being shipped without grease on headset bearings and other places I asked him to check those on the MXS as well. Dry as a bone.

Much smoother function all around now.
Wow, Maybe I better look at the headset! Congratulations on your new bike! What a great thing huh?
RipCurrent S is a beautiful thing. Congratulations! I ended up getting the Sondors MSX. Fortunately I bought it just before a price raise. I like it a lot. Not as nice as that Ripcurrent though...
"a beautiful thing". Well I guess - If you like 'em obese @78lbs starting weight.
Then I'd have to replace or get over: cheesy B&W display, $15 thumb (wrecker, tendonitis causing) throttle; the front fork is so cheap they won't tell what it is, etc.
Even taking into account the battery could add $700, other cheapo parts - like the ring gear and bash plate, seat-post, saddle, pedals, those 'demi-ape-hangers' that look like they came off a 70's vintage Girls Stingray (I instantly wondered: "where's the Red plastic tassels?')
and I'm flummoxed wondering: Are they really single pot brakes😲?
Even the cheapest cassette. All a minus balance for me.
There are upscale features. The dropouts do look sturdy and it has a (sort of) torque arm (Big +++), but it's too short and attached too weakly to be of any real help. All these motors have out-of-spec cut shaft flats and every last source worth a dime says if you have any real power, a real torque arm is required - usually two if you are cranking.
That single TA is maybe 2", an M6 (maybe) steel bolt (electrolysis) through alloy (Hard meets soft, flex, flex, crunch, crunch) attaches and if the "cheap" theme is followed, unsuitable automotive type washers and lug nuts. Hey, it's 20 cents or $20?
The cassette side appears to use a subframe (hopefully steel) bolted to the frame. Outstanding !!! This is a real solution - alloy dropouts can get chewed up by a hardened motor shaft - if that frame is alloy, and the parts are insulated. They don't say.
However, the problem is that the shafts are deliberately ground with a ton of slop. M12 (12mm) threaded x 10mm flats is the rating and e-bike dropouts are cut for that. But the bicycle standard is 9mm and the big money is in 'universal conversion kits', so get it? Slop was built in.
To combat that problem requires the torque arms be preloaded in the direction of force. If one side is not, you have 1/2 the holding force keeping that axle in place.
As a 'slo-mo ride' for a larger person - considering Bafang rates that motor at 85nm Max - it really shouldn't need any hub spinning prevention measures beyond sturdy dropouts, the right hardware and proper welds. So a TA is not a very big selling point in this case.
For a lighter person, it's a friggin' tuna boat.

In my experience Chinese sellers are ordinary people trying to make an honest buck like anyone else. Also just like anywhere, there are a few smartasses who realize its mighty difficult to come after someone from across the globe.

I've gotten refunds before from Ali sellers. A shipment disappeared once. Seller sent the wrong voltage rated power supply once. I didn't need to fight the People's Liberation Army to get my money back. I mean... Judeo Christian inculcation? Dishonesty is not a sin in the Far East?

Plain and simple that is crazy talk right there.
In my experience Chinese sellers are ordinary people trying to make an honest buck like anyone else. Also just like anywhere, there are a few smartasses who realize its mighty difficult to come after someone from across the globe.

I've gotten refunds before from Ali sellers. A shipment disappeared once. Seller sent the wrong voltage rated power supply once. I didn't need to fight the People's Liberation Army to get my money back. I mean... Judeo Christian inculcation? Dishonesty is not a sin in the Far East?

Plain and simple that is crazy talk right there.
China had no Mosaic Law. Laozi teaches trickery, not honesty. Sun Tzu teaches deceit, not bravery or hard work, rather playing others and dishonest manipulation to achieve power/ control.
All it takes is reading an advertisement full of deceit to get the drift. Keep on apologizing though. It's your right.
I'm not offended by their culture. I'm not even a conservative. Your anecdotal experience is I'm sure quite all you know. I've spent may thousands on Alibaba. 1/3 of the items were garbage.
China has never been subjected to "Judeo Christian inculcation". You think that's "Plain and simple that is crazy talk right there'?
It's naïve to think other cultures are like yours; like assuming 'Chinese/ Iranian/ Cuban/ Venezuelan/ Russian', - you name it - 'people really hate communism/ Islam/ their government, and pine for our baseball and hot dog, American Democracy or some iconic cause to die for.
Their culture is thousands of years old. Ours 250ish years old. Your exceptionalism reeks even as you irrationally defend something you can't explain (while blithely skipping over Q: where on earth they obtained the Mosaic law to be inculcated in Christianity?
Plain and simple that is crazy talk right there. In your apologist rush to read between the invisible lines, you create an example where the seller did not object (probably forgot to send it), completely alien to one where he does object and AliExpress is asked to resolve it - which you have zero experience with. I'm glad the PRC treated you nice though. They don't particularly like 'yamen'. They smell funny. The term means 'unreasonable, violent, stupid and Non-Asian - as in European - barbarian'.
That having been said, there are a few Chinese companies I work with that maintain high standards, selling quality items.
It's not that it's half price though - like those batteries made in "others[land]" - it's that you can't get it anywhere else, that's not getting it from them also.
I/ we don't care about where business people obtain good business values or socioreligious influenced moral scruples.
They understand, in a sea of crooks, those doing good business have a virtual monopoly. That's why they've been around for years, not months.
That ad is from AliExpress, no? That's where the fly-by-night retail scoundrels lurk. Alibaba is another world, on another level.
I bought a variable power supply of AE that blew up and killed my expensive digital soldering iron. It lasted a few months - because I only used it three times. $250 down the drain.
Buying batteries on AliExpress is not a wise idea. For whatever reason it's full of knock-offs and some are very dangerous as well.
It's double dumb without dealing with an established company.
They're all totally honest and just don't realize they're burning you. Okay?
