Several points to clear up. Your battery uses lithium cells that are nominally 3.6V, whereas you said they were 1.6V volt. You're reading your voltmeter wrong, or it's uncalibrated. When you measure opposite terminals, like B5 to B4 or B7 to B8, the value will be between 4.2 and 3.0 volts on a healthy battery, and all 13 values will be close to the other. Anything above 4.2V or lower than 2.4 is a very dangerous situation, which is these BMS exist.
It is certainly a well made, well engineered battery, And if the cells are at 4 volts, rather than 8 volts, it's quite capable of doing a lot of damage if you accidentally set it down where it can short circuit. Be careful with it.
It is difficult to take that battery further apart, It is dangerous to use them in other applications without attaching a suitable smaller BMS.