Are settings like P07, P08 parameters etc. stored on the display or controller?


New Member
sorry if this sounds silly, but I ask because the M5 display that came with my ebike has ALL P settings above P04 locked. And I was told that changing a cheap display to something like S866 will allow me to change the P settings. However say if I change them, and I replace the display back to the locked M5, will the settings be changed to what I set on the S866?

Will you expand on that a bit @Timpo ? I clicked on the link, and I see the suggested settings, but no information that might answer the OP's question.

I'm not sure regarding the relevance, but I can share that the display holds all of the parameter setting when talking KT equipment. FWIW
Will you expand on that a bit @Timpo ? I clicked on the link, and I see the suggested settings, but no information that might answer the OP's question.

I'm not sure regarding the relevance, but I can share that the display holds all of the parameter setting when talking KT equipment. FWIW
thank you Ahicks for the confirmation that the "memory" stays with the display, so that I would need to keep the unlocked display in order to maintain the settings
thank you Ahicks for the confirmation that the "memory" stays with the display, so that I would need to keep the unlocked display in order to maintain the settings
That's the way the KT stuff works. I am NOT sure that's how the one you have works.
.I've always thought the settings go with the displays. Includes miles. I had an S866 and it came up 0 miles when I hooked it up to a well worn controller,
