Anyone use this tester?

I have one. Comes with no instructions.

Me too.
I have no idea how to work it?
There's a lot of wires and clips and stuff,.. 😂


Maybe I'll email Bo Ai Zhi and ask him how to plug it in.
I'll have to brush up on my Chinesium. 😂
Mine will be here tomorrow, so I'll see if there is operating instructions included.
If there is, I'll send to anyone that wants the instructions.
I'll bet you ten dollars that if you take your ebike for a long hard ride and get it nice and warmed up, then ride it into that puddle and submerge your motor, you will suck water into your motor.

View attachment 167504

If it gets wet inside, you will get $10 from me and a new motor from Biktrix!!

The engineers guarantee its waterproof !!
Water resistant I wish it water proof like my wrists watch.
Submergeable not.
Fun bike to have.
Well, I bought one of those testers and I suppose I can figure it out how to use it if needed. That said, maybe somebody will post their "user manual".
Thanks PCeBiker, that's a lot more instruction than I got with my box, so thanks. Though, it is quite the mind the f*ck to read 'em.
Some how I ended up with 2 of these testers, I have one with the circle of lights, and,
1 of straight rows of lights, like PC Biker has shown, and both of them have instructions included.
Anyone need copied instructions? Drop me a PM.............
I searched for some pictures of your UART motor and found these pictures,..


Looking at my instructions,..


It looks like the three alligator clips go between the motor and the controller, and those wires are inside your motor, so you would have to open up your motor to disconnect the plugs and connect the alligator clips.

It looks like the connector plugs of the tester won't plug into your controller?
The tester is 5 wire, and your EB-BUS connector appears to have 8 wires.

The 5 wires that I'm familiar with are the three hal sensor wires (blue, green, yellow) as well as +5V and -5V. (red and black) and there's also usually a white speed sensor wire as well.

Your UART motor also appears to have a 3 wire battery communication plug.
I hope your new motor can give the proper handshake to the battery?
It might be a CAN-BUS protocol or something?
I also found a this information: On the instructions, of the circle type tester
I posted is this info.

The manual guide book for ebike testing device.

Please sign in and then click on the British flag symbol

As usual, I don't have any 9 volt battery's on the place,
so I'll have to get a couple in town.

Both of these testers have the same info printed on the side of the plastic box
where the wires are coming out.
Since I am color blind I can't tell the colors except for the Red/Black power lines.

I wonder which tester will fit the Uart and or Canbus motors as the plugs are different?
To see the difference of the wiring, see this video,

Pouring a cup of Jo and will read the instructions, then I'll go get the battery's.
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