Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Ken M.:
I don't know if that's an 8N or a 9N, but you sir have no idea how many hours I've spent in the saddle of various Ford 8Ns and 9Ns. None of them had a sweet cab like that rig though. (One of them did have a Sherman auxiliary transmission which gave it an overdrive that could get up to ludicrous speed; at least 20 mph, which is pretty scary on a Ford tractor.)
JR's Harley D looks pretty sweet, but when the snow gets a**hole deep, I'd put my money on the Ford.
Yea, I thought it was an 8n. 20mph on a small tractor would be fun for at least one try!
Was this your ride to church today= image.jpg
Hi KenM:
No, I just changed the oil in my pickup truck, but we got absolutely no snow here at all.


I feel for our brethren on the mid-Atlantic seaboard though. They got the sh** kicked out of them, capisce?
There you go!!! That is cool.
Man it is hard to beleive , you got no snow!
I bet Mr. JR and Ravi did. My family in New Jersey said they got 30" of that lovely white stuff.
Keep looking up! Ken,
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There you go!!! That is cool.
Man it is hard to beleive , you got no snow!
I bet Mr. JR and Ravi did. My family in New Jersey said they got 30" of that lovely white stuff.
Keep looking up! Ken,
Yes Ken, we got slammed with 32 inches of snow in one day! I'm prepared for that much per month, even weekly, but not in a day. This is Pennsylvania for goodness sake, not Alaska or Maine! @Brambor, if your missing some snow up there, I have it. I wonder if @JayVee sent it from the Alps?
Yeah!! That has to be some kind of record setting snow storm!
Keep warm and safe up there! Ken.
Now that is cool! Mr. JR. Where are you!:p
Who is that masked man?:rolleyes:
I hear their is another storm coming across the country.
Keep warn and safe up there! Ken . Keep looking up!
Hey guys, this has been a week off the bike due to 32 inches of snow falling in one day and I'm going crazy! One bright spot:
I'd like to say there's a bike in there, but no. You could say, pretty snow pic, but no (not pretty to me this week). I took this shot yesterday in my front yard at 5:20 pm! At 5:20 pm, the days are getting longer:)
That is one good picture you have there Mr. JR . You should enter it in a photo contest. Winner for Winter wonder land for sure! Ken.
Very nic pic, J.R.! the longer days make me feel better no matter what the temp. Never have been able to handle getting up in the dark, work, then come home and it's already my daytime outdoors sunshine :D. The trees and my tropical plants around the house aren't sure which season it is right now.
Hey, Mr. Kilowatt , Mr, Grench. How is everything ? Haven't heard from you guys! Are you a Popsicle riding on your Motosicle!:p

I did my first try at wheel lacing!o_O
Must of done something wrong:(
The tire is to big for the rim:confused:
What do you guys think:cool:
Keep looking up! Ken.


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Hey KenM:
It looks within specs to me. If you really care about stuff like this, I suggest you keep the tire in my backyard and the rim in yours. Betcha' after one night they'll fit perfect.
Stuff gets smaller in cold weather ya' know. (At least that's what I keep telling my girlfriend.)
Hi Allen, glad to hear from you.i am surprised you did not say anything about the Rebel flag in the background ! I took that picture that way just thinking about you!
Keep looking up! Ken.
Well the Challenge starts next month. Is there going to be a team EBR this year?
I guess I will still log in my miles, but I will not be going nuts like last year.
Praying for all to have safe rides. May all our skin stay on our bods and not on the roads, rocks, gravel, trees, posts, polls , and what ever else is bad for us!
Keep looking up! Pedal, pedal, Pedal, Giddy up Go! Ken.
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Hey boys haven't been here in a while hope everyone is well. I an back on the bike three days in a row getting read for the bike challenge. Team EBR!
Hi Mr. Grench . Glad to hear from you again. I was beginning to think you were left out in Pango Pango some where!
Ok let's get ready to Pedal, pedal,Pedal--- Giddy up Go!
Keep looking up! Ken.