Abus Granit Xplus 540 U-lock experiences?

Alpha - seems the folding locks, while very convenient, don’t fair well in tests. This includes the biggest one from Abus. The cafe lock and cable is a good item for quick I and outs, but be it beyond that. Depending on who you talk to, what you watch, and what you read, each group seems to have a preference for the “best“ u lock. Bottom line, it always seems to come down to Abus and Kryptonite with Abus being the 540 XL and Kryptonite being the LS 18 lock, or Fegaddabotit series. Both are good, both can be cut with an angle grinder. My only squawk about the Abus 540 is the overall length , but I’d rather the lock be too long than too short.
Alpha - seems the folding locks, while very convenient, don’t fair well in tests. This includes the biggest one from Abus. The cafe lock and cable is a good item for quick I and outs, but be it beyond that. Depending on who you talk to, what you watch, and what you read, each group seems to have a preference for the “best“ u lock. Bottom line, it always seems to come down to Abus and Kryptonite with Abus being the 540 XL and Kryptonite being the LS 18 lock, or Fegaddabotit series. Both are good, both can be cut with an angle grinder. My only squawk about the Abus 540 is the overall length , but I’d rather the lock be too long than too short.
That was my thought too, I am ordering an extra bag as be an option to store a U Lock in. I'll probably go that route with the cafe lock. I liked the idea of the folding lock as it fit neatly on the bottom of my step through.
I'm a new member, with a shiny new Vado 4.0. I have the Abus chain and Cafe lock on the way, and I ordered the folding lock as I wasn't always sure what I would be bolting to would fit the dimensions of a U Lock.
What's the consensus on the folding lock? I don't think I live in that high of a crime area, but of course I won't know until things go missing. I'd plan to park in fairly well trafficd areas.
I realize the previous reviews on it and others have been mixed. But have those if you with the nice U Locks run into areas that you can't properly attach to? That's my big fear I think. I'm going to rent a locker for a few bucks a month when I take it to work, and like others, I'd prefer to keep two locks on it when possible.
I've been using the Abus Bordo Granite X Plus 6500 since 2014. The 6500 has Abus highest rating of 15. No theft yet. For many of those years I commuted daily and used a public rack. I'm not in a high crime area though, so take the recommendation in that context. I also used an accessory cable for my Brooks saddle, Kinekt seat post and the second wheel. It's a good idea to replace quick releases for wheels, seat post and anything else you might have with theft resistant hardware.

Unfortunately a determined thief....😡

Unfortunately a determined thief....😡
Sad really. We spend all those dollars and there just is no guarantee. Best advice? IMO Camera coverage, conspicuous spot, short term parking. I did a landscape design and build for a fellow that developed and then sold the original company making U-locks. He sold an added warranty. THAT he claimed was the biggest money maker. Scarcely anyone ever met the parameters of the warranty theft claim.
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Sad really. We spend all those dollars and there just is no guarantee. Best advice? IMO Camera coverage, conspicuous spot, short term parking. I did a landscape design and build for a fellow that developed and then sold the original company making U-locks. He sold an added warranty. THAT he claimed was the biggest money maker. Scarcely anyone ever met the parameters of the warranty theft claim.
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I saw that vid😡

Best advice? IMO Camera coverage, conspicuous spot, short term parking.
I agree! I usually locked to the courthouse rack where they had a camera pointed at all the bikes. The guard was so used to seeing me lock up, he would come out to tell when thieves had tried and failed to steal bikes. So I knew they were watching the security cameras.
Thanks for the follow up everyone. I have the Abus Cafe Lock and Chain. I'm going to return the Abus 6500 and go with the Kryptonite, or an Abus U lock. I've also found that I have the opportunity to use some really nice bike lockers at work currently and they are monitored by the city itself (since it's a city bike rack). I'm hoping later this fall we will have a badged accessible area that is more secure and not open to the public....but for now I'm very happy to spend just a few cents a day to save the life of myself and my bike :p (it's 60 bucks from March 1st to November 31st, which is probably a bit extended for the season here in MN).

I'm also going to look into getting a pinhead system for the wheels to remove the QR ability.
Alpha - seems the folding locks, while very convenient, don’t fair well in tests. This includes the biggest one from Abus. The cafe lock and cable is a good item for quick I and outs, but be it beyond that. Depending on who you talk to, what you watch, and what you read, each group seems to have a preference for the “best“ u lock. Bottom line, it always seems to come down to Abus and Kryptonite with Abus being the 540 XL and Kryptonite being the LS 18 lock, or Fegaddabotit series. Both are good, both can be cut with an angle grinder. My only squawk about the Abus 540 is the overall length , but I’d rather the lock be too long than too short.
I high recommend using a chain with a cafe lock rather than cable.

Unfortunately a determined thief....😡
A truly determined thief will get through anything, up to and including waiting for you to return and forcing you to unlock the bike at knifepoint.

Locking a bike is more about making it troublesome enough to steal your bike that the thief chooses to steal someone else's instead.
I high recommend using a chain with a cafe lock rather than cable.

A truly determined thief will get through anything, up to and including waiting for you to return and forcing you to unlock the bike at knifepoint.

Locking a bike is more about making it troublesome enough to steal your bike that the thief chooses to steal someone else's instead.
I've ordered the 100mm chain, I meant to say chain not cable. My apologies.
I agree on the convenience. Unless they really want it that bad, most of the time if they are just wanting something...they will find the one with the least amount of resistance. It's always a gamble between the inconvenience of the lock, and the safety of the bike. You can have a ton of locks, but it becomes a pain. Or you can have minimal effort....and no bike.
I've ordered the 100mm chain, I meant to say chain not cable. My apologies.
I agree on the convenience. Unless they really want it that bad, most of the time if they are just wanting something...they will find the one with the least amount of resistance. It's always a gamble between the inconvenience of the lock, and the safety of the bike. You can have a ton of locks, but it becomes a pain. Or you can have minimal effort....and no bike.
Good choice on the 100mm chain. That's what I chose as well - just long enough on my Vado 4.0 to go around the front wheel and around the other side of a narrow post if you wish, though I usually don't bother. Not sure there's a lot of call for that basic OEM wheel.

I really like the chain+cafe lock setup. Quick and simple to lock to an appropriate rack or post (tall enuf not to lift bike over!). Then a second bike with chain & cafe lock can easily also lock to the same post/rack with chain going thru the first bike frame. At least two angle grinder cuts to even get one bike, and another two for the second bike. We won't leave them long, and we're in a suburban not-high-risk area.

Tip - I run the chain thru my helmet strap.