A Question for Massachusetts E-Bikers


Well-Known Member
Northeast Pennsylvania
My wife and I go to Cape Cod every fall to ride the many great trails offered there. In the past, I've taken our conventional MTB's but this year, I would like to use our new class 2 E-bikes. Massachusetts does not permit E-bikes on multi use paths so to do so would be breaking the law.

How strictly are these laws enforced? I've used E-Bikes on MUP's in other states where they technically are prohibited but the laws are not enforced. The local LEO's & park rangers either don't know what an E-bike is, or just don't care. How are violations handled in Massachusetts?

My wife and I are at the age where we can't ride our MTB's as far and as frequently as we once did. We are not aggressive riders, are courteous to others and otherwise law abiding citizens. Our bikes are quite "stealthy" and one has to look carefully to see they are electric assisted. Should we leave our E-Bikes home and use our conventional MTB's ? Or better yet, take our vacation in a state more friendly to E-bikes?

I'm not looking for anyone's approval to break the law here, just some advice from locals out that way.

Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
I don't live there, but I notice there are at least a couple of e-bike shops in Cape Cod, and they both do e-bike rentals. You could call those shops and ask. I'll bet it is like most places; not really enforced.
I don't live there, but I notice there are at least a couple of e-bike shops in Cape Cod, and they both do e-bike rentals. You could call those shops and ask. I'll bet it is like most places; not really enforced.

An excellent idea!

I called the Pedego Cape Cod E-bike rental shop and asked about the legality of riding the cape MUP's. There was a pause and then the owner said "Yeah, you're good to go." My take on that is, you can get away with it.

If you look at their website: http://www.pedegoelectricbikes.com/dealers/cape-cod/#rentals-pedego they show a video of a couple riding Pedego Platinum Interceptor bikes (the same model we own) on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. At the bottom of the page, they show maps of all the Cape Cod trails. It appears your guess is correct. The laws are not effectively enforced.

Thanks for your suggestion!
A new ebike owner, i am interested anyone who has done research into the MA laws. the paths say "no motorized vehicles" and don't have any speed limits. IMO they need to say "no throttled motors, and a 15 or 20mph speed limit" which would allow pedal assist bikes, but keep off those pesky new rental scooters and mopeds.
I don't know about MA, but under most state laws class I and class II e-bikes are not regulated as motorized vehicles, but are rather considered merely bicycles.