30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

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Governor General Award winner:
Dr. Xiangguo Qiu currently heads the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies section in the Special Pathogens Program at the National Microbiology Laboratory of the Public Health Agency of Canada. Her primary field is immunology with research emphasis on vaccine development, post-exposure therapeutics and rapid diagnostics of high-consequence haemorrhagic viruses.
Now removed from the research along with husband and all her Chinese students after investigation by security agency.
China planted spies and thieves to get bioweapon sources.
Nothing to see here. Don't wear masks in public, that is all. No screening or testing. Have a good day.
What are your sources for this "unconfirmed" report?

This is why I hate the internet. It is a powerful tool which Is used irresponsibly. Anybody can pass on harmful rumors.

Our area lost a child to the flu yesterday.
I agree it's a little irresponsible to speculate. It's disrespectful to family and friends of people actually caught up in this. Early in this thread a member mentioned a family member stuck in China. And the doom and gloom speculation heated up. Let this thread die! I don't know, maybe we could talk about something else... like ebikes.
I find rumors about "weaponized corona virus" hilarious. This virus kills old people in bad health. Soldiers are young and healthy. This virus is totally useless as a weapon.
I also find the sight of masks worn in public hilarious. Virus will blow right through a mask. A mask will stop droplets, only. Some bacteria. You can catch a virus with your eyes, or with your hands if you touch a door handle then your mouth, nose, or a cut, later. "Hand sanitizer" has proven effective against e-coli bacteria from petting zoos. Not viruses.
I'm more worried about the tendency of Chinese to eat out of the same food bowl with their chopsticks, than I am about their weapons lab. I skipped my nephew's wedding dinner because his wife's relatives are from HK. My brother that inherited the Dutch immune system, puts his chopsticks in the same foodbowl as all his relatives. I, that inherited the Appalachian Native Am immune system, can catch a virus standing in line with somebody one minute in the checkout line of a store. I don't even have to touch them. The donor doesn't even have to sneeze, just breathe.
My worry is, I'm old. All these people fly around spreading everything everywhere. We were really lucky the Chinese contained SARS. Thermometers in transportation stations is not going to stop this one.
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This virus kills old people in bad health.
That is misinformation. Younger people in otherwise good health with no problems are dieing.

I also find the sight of masks worn in public hilarious. Virus will blow right through a mask.
That is misinformation according to what they are telling us. https://www.ottawamatters.com/local...protections-against-novel-coronavirus-2053755
Experts said:
Infection experts believe the new virus is likely spread through airborne droplet transmission, such as through the coughs or sneezes

A mask will stop droplets, only.
False anyway. Have you even heard of sawdust masks? Is sawdust a droplet? It's irrelevant anyway if you believe expert opinion, since they say DROPLET transmission. So a mask is WHAT WORKS plus glasses or goggles. Top importance, best hygiene.

Thermometers in transportation stations is not going to stop this one.
It can reduce and therefore allow more time to mount a defence.
I do not enjoy chuckles over the spread of the kind of misinformation you have given.
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That is not a peer reviewed science publication.
So provide the peer reviewed publication supporting your "information" vs public health experts.
I'm completely open to accepting when you show YOUR scientific evidence for YOUR claim.
More China ebike factories (as are many factories in all industries) are already delaying return to work from the new year holiday. Was supposed to be Feb 1. Now at least Feb 7 to Feb 10. Confirmed via couple of my suppliers who remain in close contact with their counterparts in China.
"Hand sanitizer" has proven effective against e-coli bacteria from petting zoos. Not viruses.
It's your opinion vs expert opinion.
James A Scott PhD, ARMCCM

Division of Occupational & Environmental Health 223 College Street Toronto, Ontario M5T

Does hand sanitizer prevent the spread of coronavirus?
Yes. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are not only effective at preventing the transmission of coronavirus, but the transmission of viral infections in general. According to Public Health Canada, they need to have around 60 or 70 per cent alcohol content, which is the case for most over-the counter hand sanitizers.

According to University of Toronto professor James Scott, this percentage is actually even more effective than 100 per cent rubbing alcohol, because the little bit of water improves the way the alcohol penetrates and kills viruses outer coatings.
Did it all started from seafood being tainted or pork ??

It's been theorized that it did, but we don't know for sure. It almost certainly came from something like that, though. Almost every major disease in human history has come from humans either living with animals, or eating them, or both.

MERS and at least some of the variants of the common cold are believed to come to humans from us from living with camels. Influenza (AKA "the flu") came from birds and/or pigs.

More recently they've started naming the animals that the diseases come from (bird flu, swine flu, monkeypox, etc.).

So if it came from any other source, I'd be surprised.
I find rumors about "weaponized corona virus" hilarious. This virus kills old people in bad health. Soldiers are young and healthy. This virus is totally useless as a weapon.
I also find the sight of masks worn in public hilarious. Virus will blow right through a mask. A mask will stop droplets, only. Some bacteria. You can catch a virus with your eyes, or with your hands if you touch a door handle then your mouth, nose, or a cut, later.
It didn't have to be a weaponized virus. They are infecting lab animals with all kinds of viruses in both civilian and bioweapon labs, any rat could escape.

Wearing mask reduces the risk a lot: "... New virus is likely spread through airborne droplet transmission, such as through the coughs or sneezes of an infected person, and generally requires close personal contact to spread" (from Ontario nurses group publication).
Some folks close to this story have sources in China they just can’t publicly talk about, for the personal safety of their sources who are getting out information at considerable personal risk.
This certainly pokes holes in the theory that this virus might have originated in a less than natural pathway.

The Lancet - Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding

A new genetic analysis of 10 genome sequences of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) from nine patients in Wuhan, China finds that the virus is most closely related to two bat-derived SARS-like coronaviruses, according to a study published in The Lancet. 2019-nCoV likely emerged very recently and was detected relatively rapidly. While the virus is genetically different to human severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and should be considered a new human-infecting coronavirus, it may use the same molecular ‘doorway’ as SARS to enter human cells.

I'm not getting how these politician/agency heads say a mask is not for public wearing, only for close contact...have they been on an elevator? In a movie theatre? Homeless shelter? A subway car this year? A bus?
These people are answering questions less than honestly. Here it's all about not being xenophobic, so they are not taking temperatures at the airport and not closing off travellers from China.
The Lancet - Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study

A new analysis, published in The Lancet, includes 99 patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) who were transferred to Jinyintan Hospital, an adult infectious disease hospital admitting the first 2019-nCoV cases from hospitals across Wuhan, between January 1 and January 20, 2020. The study includes the first 41 cases from Wuhan reported in The Lancet on Friday 24 2020. This report includes the largest set of clinical and treatment data from cases of the new coronavirus in China to date.


Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study
An N95 mask is a much better mask than your average surgical mask.

N95 masks filter particles down to 0.3 micron.

The coronavirus is 0.13 micron.

Technically, even an N95 mask is insufficient to protect against this virus.

But if a mask keeps you from touching your nose and mouth, it may help. In that case a surgical mask with a splash guard for your eyes would be better as it keeps you from touching eyes, nose and mouth.

Just don’t think you’re adequately protected from airborne coronsviruses when wearing them.

(I think this may be one of the unsaid reasons they’re not recommending surgical masks.)
An N95 mask is a much better mask than your average surgical mask.

N95 masks filter particles down to 0.3 micron.

The coronavirus is 0.13 micron.

Technically, even an N95 mask is insufficient to protect against this virus.

But if a mask keeps you from touching your nose and mouth, it may help. In that case a surgical mask with a splash guard for your eyes would be better as it keeps you from touching eyes, nose and mouth.

Just don’t think you’re adequately protected from airborne coronsviruses when wearing them.

(I think this may be one of the unsaid reasons they’re not recommending surgical masks.)
It provides protection from droplets. Is the evidence in that this is full airborne particle, rather than droplet?
The top scientist who was escorted out of the biolab by police apparently sent live Nipah virus on a commercial flight to China. Some of her Chinese students also were removed.

Ebola and Henipah are Level 4 pathogens, meaning they're some of the deadliest viruses in the world. They must be contained in a lab with the highest level of biosafety control, such as the one in Winnipeg.
Or on a commercial jetliner to China....

Nipah is the virus featured in the modelled fictional novel virus that went out of control.

In other news, another staff member was earlier convicted of smuggling virus out. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/charg...s-ex-winnipeg-researcher-cops-a-plea-1.820854
He was sentenced to 17 days in jail but received credit for time already served. He was also fined $500 US.
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Findings Of the 99 patients with 2019-nCoV pneumonia, 49 (49%) had a history of exposure to the Huanan seafood market. The average age of the patients was 55·5 years (SD 13·1), including 67 men and 32 women.
Interpretation The 2019-nCoV infection was of clustering onset, is more likely to affect older males with comorbidities
Less than 37% were seniors.
No more than 4 of the 9 who died were seniors. That also means no big preponderance of the dead were the seniors.
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