270km down after 1 week on my new Charger GH Nuvinci.


New Member
I promised a small review of the bike, so here goes:

ive had no issues at all, which i guess would be expected from the known quality of R&M's bikes.

I will say that i think the saddle will have to go, i am used to ride a Brooks B67 Saddle, and the one that is mounted on the bike "Selle Royal Nuvola" is very hard on the butt if you do longer rides (ive been doing 40km a day), even in padded bikeshorts. It might just be me, but it does not fit me that well.

I do not like the Pedals, but that is just the astethics of them, i dont understand how R&M delivers silver pedals for an entirely matt-black bike, it looks horrible.

The Super Moto-X tires are awesome. Ive done a mix of gravel roads, forest roads and tarmac, and they have taken everything with stride.

The CX engine is amazing, and combined with the nuvinci ive been able to take fairly steep hills with ease, even with my weight (280lbs). You do have to get used to how the gear-changes work. When i tested the bike originally i thought that you would be able to change gears while driving the pedals, but that is not entirely true. At some points (f.eks going into the last gear or overdrive), you will have to let off the cadence for a second, but its not an issue, and the gear prevents you from doing anything to damage it, so its all fine.

The Magura MT4 brakes are very nice, allthough im so used to rolling-brakes that i have on my batavus, im sure im going to love them, the front brake is a bit noisy, like it "clicks" a bit when pressed, but i assume its some sort of wearin that needs to happen on new disc brakes, if it does not go away before my first service, i will mention it.

The Aion Fork is Superb, and you dont feel anything when driving over potholes or on those forest roads.

I do wish the speed settings was a bit better here in DK, 25KM seems very slow compared to my normal speed on a bike (i normally do 28-30km/h), i might end up getting a slight tune somehow. But it'll have to wait a bit.

Tomorrow and sunday i have another 50 km rides, the last two before i start work again (ive had summer holiday), hopefully i can continue my daily bikeride after work, because ive really enjoyed it.
I recently put down a deposit on one, should be here (Canada) in a couple of months. One thing I can't figure out about it is the weight of the bike itself. I'm looking to get a carrier and want to confirm what it is. Do you know?
I believe it would be a carrier to fit to a vehicle for transporting the bike

Correct :) We have roof carriers now, but I don't think that will be an option (even with the battery removed) as the fork has a thru-axle and my carrier is the kind where you remove the front wheel and set it onto posts that clamp into quick release openings.

I've got a 2" receiver on the back of our vehicle, so I figure there's something that might do there, but a quick look at some options suggested a surprisingly low per-bike weight limit for some carriers. R&M doesn't seem to list the weight of the bike, but I'm guessing it's probably under 60lbs with the battery removed? Just can't be sure. And would like to be as I have to drive 3h to pick up my bike from the dealer, so don't want any surprises on the trip back ;)