2022 Rize RX geometry


New Member
Austin TX
I love the way the 2022 Rize RX is outfitted, but the geometry on the website is rudimentary at best, and the Rize pre-sales support staff has refused to give me any additional dimensions. It seems evident from discussions on EBR that the RX has a 19" frame (whatever that means these days) versus a 17" frame on the RX Pro. But I'm 6'6" (198cm) tall, and I'm concerned about the reach on the frame, even with its adjustable stem. Does anyone have any concrete data/measurements on the RX frame that I can use?

Two interesting sites for generating and comparing bike geometry are https://geometrygeeks.bike/ and https://www.bikegeocalc.com. The latter has a very thorough method for measuring a bike to get the complete geometry, quite impressive.

I own a ‘22 RX and love it. I am about 6’ tall with long arms and I think the bike frame will fit you fine. Any bigger and the thing would get pretty cumbersome on any trail. I am no bike mechanic, but I did some measurements on my bike and here is what I get:
Head tube- 6”
Top tube- 23”
Down tube- 23” to motor casing, add 4” to bottom bracket
Seat tube- 15 3/4”
Seat Stay- 19”
Chain Stay- 16”
Stem length- 4”, adj. 0-90 degrees (This adjustability makes a BIG difference for dialing in comfort in arms, back and neck)
Length, center to center, from stem to seat- 25”. Saddle adj. 3 1/2” fore and aft.
Hope this helps.
I have had this bike for a year now. Wife and I have been to Utah, NM, Arizona, MO, Michigan’s UP and all over Cheddarland biking. We typically ride 30-40 miles a day. This Fall we did our first multi-day ride on the KATY trail in MO. 120 miles over two days away from car and all stuff beyond a pannier bag. Over 2500 miles total for the year. I love the bike.
Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.
FYI, these are the names for my, literally, frame of reference.


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I have a '21 RX Pro, am 6'1/300 and it fit's me fine. I was looking for a bike that would allow me an up right riding position, so that may have had something to do with how mine fits me.
Wow, thanks @Roy814 and @AHicks for the fast response. I'll try to map @Roy814 's measurement onto the criteria below. This is the most succinct set of measurements that I've seen which comprise the total geometry of a bike frame. IMO, stack and reach are the two most important for overall rider fit / comfort:


You’ll want to keep in mind that the 4” adjustable stem will change both stack and reach significantly. To put it into extreme examples: at 0 degrees reach will be extended by 4” and at 90, stack raised by the same amount. Been riding bikes almost 60 years and I think just 2 static measurements wont tell you that much. Most bikes have such adjustability in the seat height, fore and aft adjust and, if equipped as this bike is, stem adjustment, that you can find a comfortable setup.
If I include my paperboy days in Illinois, I've been riding for over 60 years :). And no, I didn't mean to imply that two measurements define a fit, which is why I included the above diagram. Note that the diagram is for the frame and fork only, not the stem, handlebars, etc. The reach, stack and effective top tube length are not affected by a stem, saddle, seatpost or any other removable parts of a bicycle. BTW, my wife and I want to do the Katy trail in MO.
If you want something done...

I took the largest photo of the Rize RX, scaled and measured it in my favorite drawing program (Autodesk Fusion 360), and got these APPROXIMATE values for the Rize RX geometry:

Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 13-20-59 Bike Geometry Calculator.png

Reach: 455 mm
Stack: 685 mm
Top Tube (effective): 658 mm
Seat Tube C-T: 490 mm
Head Angle: 70°
Seat Angle: 73.5°
Head Tube: 153 mm
Chainstay: 485 mm
Wheelbase: 1201 mm
Front Center: 725 mm
Bottom Bracket Drop: 70 mm
Fork Length: 516 mm

Comparing these values to known bikes in the geometrygeeks.bike database has given me the confidence that this bike will fit me, at least as well as other big eMTB critters. For me, this compares favorably to a Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0. Please note that these values are approximate and your mileage may vary...

This data is now in geometrygeeks.bike under "Rize RX 2022." Have fun with it.
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I'd like to preface this update with KUDOS to the Rize Customer Service team. While their email system is a bit confusing (it looks like technical data has to bounce off some outgoing filter before it gets to me), the content has been nothing short of excellent, and frankly exceeded my highest expectation. Maybe they have a crack pre-sales team, but whatever, they have done a splendid job and I am grateful.

Now, to my eating of crow. There is only so much one can do by scaling photos (see above). Photos are the imperfect result of parallax, lens distortion, etc. I got factory CAD drawings of the Rize RX and RX Pro frames, and was able to use the same technique outlined above (scaled and measured in a CAD program) to get the geometry. I didn't do the RX Pro (perhaps someone else will do it from the drawing below) but I refined my geometry numbers to be the following. Note that my conclusion has not changed: I'm now certain that this bike will fit me. Also, the data on geometrygeeks.bike has been updated / corrected.


Reach ---------------- 447mm
Stack ---------------- 663mm
Top Tube (effective) - 634mm
Top Tube (actual)----- 609mm
Seat Tube C-T -------- 470mm
Seat Tube C-C -------- 410mm
Head Angle ------------ 70°
Seat Angle ------------ 73°
Head Tube ------------ 150mm
Chainstay ------------ 458mm
Wheelbase ----------- 1160mm
Front Center --------- 708mm
Standover ------------ 750mm
(Note: Rize claims 730, but standover is a judgement call...)
BB Drop --------------- 55mm
BB Height ------------ 298mm
Fork Rake / Offset ---- 41mm
Trail ----------------- 79mm
Fork Length A2C ------ 512mm

See the attachment for the CAD drawings. Thanks again to Rize Customer Service - good show!



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