I am in the process of checking the torque on all of the bolts on this bike. The manual shows the axle hex size as 6 mm. The hex size with both the front and rear wheels on my bike are 5 mm instead of 6 mm. Should this be torqued at 133 inch lbs.? The reason I am asking is the torque as it was assembled is about 90 inch lbs. To determine the present torque value, I gradually increased the torque setting on the torque wrench incrementally starting at about 50 till I got up to 90 inch lbs. where I could feel a slight turning till the wrench clicked. Also, the manual that came with the bike also appears to be an older manual since it shows the older TCU. The online manual also appears to be an older manual. The bike has about 250 miles at this time with no problems with the wheels. There is a knocking noise when in Sport or Turbo while climbing a steep grade(>6 percent) that the bike shop cannot duplicate. Everything has been torqued(including the single chain ring bolt, spider bolt?) except for the axles. The motor cover is inserted properly and torqued. I have two Inch lb. torque wrenches to verify accuracy.