9.7 miles yesterday, my first ride of 2020. The unseasonably warm temps in Virginia had just reached an afternoon high of 60°f (15.5c) with the overcast skies clearing for a few moments before the next batch of incoming rain pummeled the already soggy landscape. I thought I had time to get in a quick ride. I really did. I had just gotten my bike back from the bike shop - taken there two days ago for an end-of-the-year tune up and health check. I was suffering ebike withdrawal. I simply HAD to ride my bike for my own mental health. Even if it was a brief zip up and down the road between the bouts of incessant 3 day long rain.
I rode, and raced... and was roundly trounced upon by a heavy downpour exactly 4.5 miles from home. If I had ignored the newly deposited roadside litter on my recently cleaned adopted road, I would have won the rain race. But noooooo...I had to stop, time and again, to shove the offending accumulating trash in my panniers until I met with a friendly trash bin enroute to offload the litter. Each time stopping I'd glance over my shoulder at the approaching dark clouds gathering over the nearby mountain range. Time for pictures? Uh, don't think so.
As it was, when I reached my turnaround point, I ran smack dab right into a headwind with drips of rain that quickly devolved into a blanket of cold drenching rain. The kind of rain that had you shaking your head while riding to throw off the big drops of water gathering on your helmet brim. The kind of rain that has passing motorists looking at you with deep pity, and moving away as far as they can on the opposite side of the road so they don't accidentally splash you. The kind of rain that builds lakes and streams across the entire road so that your wheels create a pretty plume of water as you race along. The kind of rain that maliciously intensifies that last mile before home when you are riding with your head down, the water pouring off your helmet visor, the plume of water from your wheels now reaching a fountain of epic proportions, every part of you, including your underwear, now wet. The kind of rain that makes you regret leaving your warm waterproof jacket on the hook at home while you don two lightweight non-waterproof jackets instead. I mean...what were you thinking??
I arrived back home thoroughly soaked, but with a big smile of happiness on my face. The bike was dried with a towel, all outter clothing went right into the dryer, the door being shut and the timer set and turned on, a mug of hot chocolate was made in the microwave, and a warm blanket wrapped around me as I joined the spouse and two sleeping dogs in the living room, still smiling as I blissfully replied "Yup and Nope" to the question "Did you have a good ride? Did you miss the rain?"
No rain today. Just cold and windy. I'll wear more suitable clothing this time. I swear.
Obligatory pics:🌧