that explains alot. she tends to start pedaling the bike in 9th gear and higher, that doesnt help, love her so much though!. the bike climbs like a goat, lots o torque. I considered purchasing the Box 1X 9 speed drivetrain however the reviews were terrible on this item. So its just not me who thinks this is unacceptable wear, thanks for your reply. I am going to keep the bike and and pedal assist appropriately. this Linkglide cassette looks impressive, the cogs are massive (and heavy) compared to the current XT cassette on the bike. all cogs are steel , I have high hopes for this new Shimano offering, with proper maintenance (yes! chain replacement) it should last 3 or 4 thousand miles. Have you seen the linkglide in person? no new bikes available with LG as far as I know. Nice espresso machine!. You replaced the entire motor? interesting.