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  1. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    I seriously just bought it yesterday
  2. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Did anyone run across this piece being hard to get aligned for the rod to screw in?
  3. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    So I got my SRAM replacement kit, but the shifter doesn’t have a gear indicator. Is this normal?
  4. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Do you put a cover on it?
  5. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Do you think 2 of those bikes will work fine? I was reading the reviews on this, and some say it's very flimsy.
  6. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Has anyone purchased and use this rack for the MD1000?
  7. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    I’m getting my SRAM swap out this week. Anyone who has swapped it out, any advice or gotchas?
  8. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Is it cheaper than $400 to just buy the SRAM myself vs having them send it to me
  9. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Do you think I should ride it till it dies? I have just talked with my agent about getting the SRAM.
  10. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Finally have been able to ride this hog. The noises coming from this thing scare me, not sure what's a normal sound vs something is wrong sound.
  11. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Is it cheaper to go through them? and I guess the rear wheel needs to be different?
  12. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    @RMK! How did you order the SRAM? Or can you list out all the parts needed to swap the IGH to SRAM?
  13. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    What's the link to that thread?
  14. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    My wheels are out of tune, that's my next fix before riding it.
  15. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    I haven’t yet, been raining
  16. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    I just know that as soon as I changed everything to be vertical, I was able to get everything to switch smoothly and everything lined up
  17. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Strange they say to use standard, when it’s clearly vertical
  18. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    So I replaced the SR shifter today, it’s an extremely easy process...kinda shocked how easy it was. Snip the wire, pull out the old/broke shifter and push the new wire down. But! After looking at the installation guide for the SA IGH, Leili built mine all f-ed up! Had to remove the c clips and...
  19. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    Would someone please post a picture of their right-hand sidebar, I took mine off to replace the SA shifter, and not sure which one goes on first (the shifter or the brake).
  20. WhitzATL

    Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

    I think your seat is too high...LOL