Search results

  1. Saratoga Dave

    2025 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

    So, the calendar rolls over yet again… what will it be this time? Will RabH decide to test the 7000 mile barrier? Will Stefan figure out a way to sneak into the Tour de France? Will Art outrun a bear? Will Dave Matthews get a Fender guitar? This place is very much about the people, though of...
  2. Saratoga Dave

    Gear ratios and climbing

    Hey, perhaps one of you math/numbers whiz folks can help a brother out here… two bikes, 1X setups, 1 to 1 ratios on each, one is 42:42, the other 36:36. Everything else being equal, which has more oomph for climbing, and how come? And since nothing else is ever equal, if the 36:36 bike has...
  3. Saratoga Dave

    Creo rear thru axle spinning out

    Anyone seen this? Last fall I finished a ride and when I picked the bike up and put it on the car rack, the rear wheel came loose and lodged right up into the frame. The thru axle had spun right out of the threads and when I put the bike onto the rack try the axle fell right out. Never saw that...
  4. Saratoga Dave

    2024 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

    Well, we took a bit of a pounding in 2023. Richard Friedman (Alaskan) and then Alan Hicks are gone and missed by many of us. Dave Berry stepped off the stage over a year ago, whereabouts unknown… the hugely popular Dallant has been missing in action for a couple of years now. There are others...
  5. Saratoga Dave

    Creo at 5000 miles

    No dramatic scenery today, just the Mohawk River on a rainy 40 degree December 2nd. But I got to 5000 miles on my aluminum Creo before the weather tries to shut us down tomorrow, so that’s one more checked off the 2023 To Do list. I bought this thing in April of last year, 2022, and it has been...
  6. Saratoga Dave


    Over at the Reddit Gravelcycling discussion they’ve been having a pretty good time posting pics of bikes with logs, for some reason. Why not drop a few here? I’m sure some of you PNW folks know what a tree looks like, fallen or otherwise.
  7. Saratoga Dave

    Mission Control popup from Hell

    Anyone seen this? Half the time when I look down at my ride screen (during a ride, of course), I see this popup message showing. Have to click either Cancel or Undo to make it go away, the data reloads properly, and off we go till the next time. 30 or more times yesterday on a 33 mile ride...
  8. Saratoga Dave

    Creo Road Remotes

    Since my Creo will be a year old next week, and Spesh has a $20 off sale going on the Road Remotes for some reason, I ordered them up the other day. After today’s 33 mile ride on my other bike, I observed the sun was still shining and I had a couple of Sam Adams (beer) in the refrigerator, so up...
  9. Saratoga Dave

    2023 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

    Disclaimer: This was and remains, in my mind, the House That Dave Berry Built. However, with him out of town, the recent and presumably future hyperlink indexing for months and years has apparently gone with him, and there always was a logic behind breaking it into years, so let’s see how this...
  10. Saratoga Dave

    Creo at 1000 miles

    Quick update. My Creo went over 1000 miles the other day, exactly three months since I got it. I have a Giant Toughroad that I ride also, so they sort of take turns. This is the Bargain Basement Creo, the SL5 Aluminum frame. Almost every bike I’ve had since the 90s has been aluminum, so no...
  11. Saratoga Dave

    Creo Through Axles

    So here’s a little general heads up from this morning… I was riding along and just happened to look down at the front wheel and noted that the handle part of the through axle was pointing a different direction than it was yesterday. Stopped right away and discovered the damn thing had backed...
  12. Saratoga Dave

    Creo throttling power?

    If this has been discussed, I missed it. Running my Creo down to low battery today I discovered that at around 15% the power delivery was cut by about a third. Was starting up a somewhat decent hill and suddenly I thought the bike had turned off. Looking at the power readouts pretty quickly...
  13. Saratoga Dave

    New Creo Owner, first impressions

    So here we have a somewhat shortish first impression dissertation on my new Creo (aluminum) after it’s first real ride, 32 miles with about 1300 feet of elevation gain, on a very windy morning here in upstate NY (Saratoga County). The tailwind I expected for the last third never happened, though...
  14. Saratoga Dave


    So a little while back I flew in a graceful arc over the handlebars when I didn’t realize a newly poured section of concrete on a nearby bike path had the extra feature of a couple inches of raised edge where it left the sidewalk. Bike stopped, I kept going. True to my genetics, I ignored the...
  15. Saratoga Dave

    Range on ToughRoad

    “… When what to my wondering eyes should appear But three zeros on the range indicator and a half mile hill in front of me” Well, I should know better. I’m on record here a couple of times about the Yamaha system on my Giant. As much as I love it, and I do, when it says 20% battery remaining...
  16. Saratoga Dave

    Civante GPS/Computer mounting

    Alright, sports fans, anyone with a Civante knows the challenge of figuring out how to mount a computer - or anything else, given the oval handlebar shape and that weird assembly of display/controller/bell that wraps around the headstock like a freaking octopus. Seizing on and stealing an idea...
  17. Saratoga Dave

    Anti Theft, Guaranteed

    Never one to stop thinking great thoughts, I’m plotting out this Spring’s GAP trip... the Great Allegheny Passage trail from Pittsburgh, PA to Cumberland, MD for those out of the US. I have a too small set of casual panniers, but I got thinking about the ones my wife bought for her Pedego a few...
  18. Saratoga Dave

    Wahoo Roam on a Civante

    Any of you fine folks had any luck mounting a Wahoo on a Civante (or any other drop bar Yamaha ebike, I guess)? The way they have that big one piece display, mode selector and bell thing set up and the shape of the handlebars seems to present a big problem. Anyone figured this out? I installed...
  19. Saratoga Dave

    A Little Self Indulgent Comparison Test

    No great wisdom here, but we’re a friendly bunch and it’s a quiet Sunday. A little Giant/Yamaha shootout for the fans: For a little informal comparison, I rode the same 31 mile, 1200 foot elevation route 2 days in a row. Both days very humid, high around 90 degrees, winds no more than 5 mph...
  20. Saratoga Dave

    2020 Civante Review, Initial 100 mile Impressions

    A little early in the game, but here’s the one week/105 mile report on my new Civante. For context, my history is Cannondale T400 for many, many years, other various mountain bikes, five years out of the game, then an eJoe Koda for 1400 miles in a year, a Trek xm700+ for 6000 miles in two...