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  1. F

    My buddy crashed yesterday

    That’s gotta hurt! Hope a d pray for quick healing. This thread is a great reminder to all of us to perhaps slow down a bit, and be situation aware.
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    Ghost pedaling

    If you do want more exercise, drop the PAS level one notch but try to keep the same average speed. Or perhaps keep the same PAS and shoot for 16+ average speed.If you don’t care about increasing exercise, just do what you’re doing. It’s all good, and no right or wrong way. It’s your bike, ride...
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    My buddy crashed yesterday

    Sad it happened, but relived he is okay. As crazy as it sounds to big city riders, I stay away from the little 5 mile bike path here in Granbury. I used to ride it, but ear phone wearing/texting /dog walking / oblivious walkers keep me away from it. I find it much calmer and safer on the many...
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    I finally got my bike!!!

    Congrats! It truly is a joy to ride without constant pain, to just simply enjoy riding. Hope yo are able to ride a lot this summer, and tell your husband to get that eBike ASAP!
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    Biking is painful: e-biking is NOT

    Tough crowd on the internet today... The only happy acting/looking folks I see on bikes are those that are truly out for a “bike ride”. Saw some out today that simply smiled and said “ great day for a ride”. The few others I see have a pained look or seem impatient. I’m one of the out for a...
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    Another twist to throttle vs PAS ebikes....Comments wanted...

    Another one of those “issues” that I just don’t get. If you want a throttle get one. If you don’t want one then buy an eBike without one. Your choice as a consumer is your business, and not my concern. I like my throttle to get the bike rolling from a stop, so I have a throttle. I simply cannot...
  7. F

    How sensitive are e-bike batteries to heat? Can it be removed often?

    Yes, take it inside. Here in Texas we have HOT summers, and it can get below freezing in winter often. I always take my battery inside for storage and charging.
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    Apple introduces 80% charging limit in iOS13 update to enhance battery life

    I have an iPhone, and will not be clicking that box. The battery life is already amazing to me. My wife’s iPhone 6+ is pushing 5 years, she is on it all the time. Drained and charged to full at least once a day, and more days than not twice. My 5s is great as well but I don’t use it very much...
  9. F

    Cowboy - "The best looking pedal-assisted electric bike with a removable battery that I’ve ever seen"

    Just to prove how uncool I really am, I think my run of the mill Magnum looks better. Plus, my back, arms, hands neck and tail end hurt just looking at it.
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    Metro's first month

    Congrats on the Metro! I have to agree with your complaint number 1. Its the same with my Ui6. If i put a water bottle there it takes away the advantage of being a step thru. I had a velcro strap bottle cage I got a few years ago at Wal-mart to add a second bottle on my recumbent trike. Put it...
  11. F

    Got my Magnum Ui6 - includes periodic updates

    3000 mile update As you can tell from the date of the last update, it took a while to get the last 1000 miles. there are two reasons for that.... 1) Winter was wet here, and so many days were just not good to ride being too cold, wet, or both.. 2) I've been riding my recumbent trike some, and...
  12. F

    What type of ebiker are you?

    When I first got my eBike last June (nearly a year!), I stopped riding my recumbent Trike. The eBike was new and just a joy to be on. I still am thrilled with it, but for the past 3 months or so I find myself on the Trike again. Maybe about 1/3 of the time. They are completely different...
  13. F

    Don't charge your bike battery above 80% and don't ride below 20%. Maybe, maybe not.

    I bought my eBike to ride, not obsess or stress over. Charge it and ride, that’s what it’s made for. In real world use none of the computer models or spreadsheets matter.
  14. F

    So, how many miles do you get on a charge?

    On my UI6 (which has 6et PAS levels) I get 60+ in level 2, and 50+ in level 3. When I go on a ride with more hills and want to crank it up using levels 3,4,5,5 and 6 I get around 40.
  15. F

    E-bike and Bike Computers (Garmin, Wahoo)

    Another Apple Watch user here. It keeps a good record of the info I’m interested in. Easy to use as well.
  16. F

    Are E-Bike "Warranties" Really Warranties?

    The LBS I bought from gave in writing the 1 year warranty on parts from Magnum, and 1 year labor from them. also 2 free tuneups during the first year. Fortunately, I’ve not used any of it, but glad they had my back. IMHO if a reseller doesn’t believing in the products they sell enough to...
  17. F

    Last test ride - buying this weekend!

    Congrats on the Metro. I am still loving my Magnum UI6, nearing 3000 miles, and just as strong as when I bought it last June. Though I’ve never had to take it back to the LBS, I’m still glad I bought local. Enjoy!
  18. F

    Catrike conversion complete

    Looks great, thank you for the info. I will look into EBO and see how it goes. I have this fear of getting a kit and discovering it won’t fit. You have given me a bit more confidence:) Welcome to the eBike world and EBR!
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    Catrike conversion complete

    @PennyWV - Thanks for the follow up :) To your knowledge was there need to get extra long cables for a Trike instal? Did everything fit without modifications? I plan to attempt installation myself, and want to be sure it is an appropriate kit for the Catrike. Looks like you will have a good...