Last test ride - buying this weekend!


Active Member
Came down to Amego Infinite or Magnum Metro, decided on Magnum even tho it's a bit more because there is a lbs Magnum dealer a mile from home and I'm not mechanically minded.

Started at Best Electric Bikes USA on Federal, took a lap around Sloan's Lake and dropped into Lakewood Gulch to get to the South Platte River Trail, thru Confluence Park to Cherry Creek Trial and then a loop around Washington Park and returned. Shot the Confluence photos last, on the way home.

Total of 21 miles; when I was done the only thing I wanted changed was the position of the grips. It will be checked out and MINE MINE MINE Sat morning, we've got a group ride, hoping the wx cooperates.


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Your IMG's are way too big MB wise. Files that large tend to clog up the works.
Congrats on the Metro. Ebikes of Colorado in louisville sells a TON of those (about 350 in 2018, biggest seller).

If you like group rides, come up to Ebikes of Colorado sometime and do a sunday ride with them.
Wow, ca 350? Owner at Best Bikes told me he'd sold a quarter million worth of Magnums and I sorta doubted it but that's probably my lack of knowledge.

Never been on a group ride, I'm wondering what it's like, will keep Louisville in mind if it's something I enjoy.
Congrats on the Metro. I am still loving my Magnum UI6, nearing 3000 miles, and just as strong as when I bought it last June. Though I’ve never had to take it back to the LBS, I’m still glad I bought local.

Site wouldn't let me post thumbnails, anyone have a clue how?

Fixed it for you! I've reduced all of your photo files by 75% down to 1296x972 using the Windows "Paint" program as described at the other thread.

Let's see if the thumbnails appear now...

They do! If you save these files to your computer you could hit the edit button at your OP, delete the big photo files and repost the smaller ones. If you do so I'll delete this post which would then be redundant to clean up the thread.


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