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  1. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    I'd like to add that to my skill set for sure!
  2. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    A smarter person would have turned around the first time the chain came off. :confused: I just slowed wayyyy down thru those parts. I was greedy and wanted to ride and the view was so nice..... the entire road wasn't muddy just parts of it. It is a lesson I wish I learned a different way, but...
  3. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    Yes, the mechanic said the torque from my legs even without the motor could cause it.
  4. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    I wish I did. I think it wasn't so much the mud as the gravel in it. My tires rolled smoothly and the fenders weren't caked up. I ride primarily on gravel, but this was my first time to ride in so much mud/gravel mix. Leftover from the snow. All the low spots were just yucky. I went slowly , but...
  5. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    No, but I think the reasoning is that the hanger just breaks off instead of damaging the frame. The derailleur was damaged because I kept getting gravel clogged in my chain from the mud. That is correct
  6. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    I was not too happy, but that is what they said.
  7. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    They said it is a wear item. An inexpensive part designed to fail to save the frame
  8. R

    Budget ebikes <$1000

    yes :) for now
  9. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    Indeed, at least it was easily fixed. My mechanic said it is a fail part designed to save the frame.
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    Budget ebikes <$1000

    I have been kicking around the idea of having one of these around for company. If anyone can ever come and visit again! Hard to beat the price and if it is only used sometimes then it should last a while. I live up a steep hill, I wonder if they have enough juice to climb it.
  11. R

    Broken Hanger :(

    So I went out for a ride Wednesday, desperate after not getting to ride for 2 WEEKS due to inclement weather.😫 I rode down a gravel road and thru several muddy spots . Even though I tried to ride slowly and reduce torque my chain came off a few times and then my hanger broke. I had to walk and...
  12. R

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    On my ride Friday I rode up to the monument to the Thoen Stone found in Spearfish. It is supposed to document a group of people before Custer that came to the Black hills Looking for gold. In 1887 Louis Thoen allegedly found a rock describing Ezra Kinds experience being attacked for gold his...
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    Need advice for Ebike order

  14. R

    Need advice for Ebike order

    Or if the LBS requests them that way? When I was in the decision making phase, that was one of the pros for the allant, the adjustable stem. The dealer said it would allow me to have a choice of riding positions. however, in order to get any more height I would have to have the brake cable...
  15. R

    Pulled the trigger on a 2021 Trek Allant+7 Lowstep.

    I knew she would love it. They are exceptionally stable. Many, many happy miles to you both.
  16. R

    Need advice for Ebike order

    Actually my Allant+7 s came with an adjustable stem .
  17. R

    New From SoCal

    Lol. You have to make the big bucks to come up with those names :)
  18. R

    Newbie Here!!(I can own it😁)

    Welcome. Happy Trails
  19. R

    Ebike makers: winners and losers in 5-7 years?

    I think it is a good thing that we have choices. I do agree it should not be us against them. I am also grateful that there is so much readily available help available on the internet for all of us, whichever choice we make.