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  1. Viking1


    From a physics standpoint the reason counter-steering works is due to the rounded profile of a bicycle or motorcycle tire. Car tires have a flat profile. This rounded profile causes a difference in diameter of the tire size as the bike is leaned over.
  2. Viking1


    From the physics standpoint, and as a former aggressive motorcycle rider, counter steering is one of the best things you need to know when riding, and it needs to be practiced so it becomes instinctual. It does require a bit of speed of 15 mph or more to become effective. Try pushing the right...
  3. Viking1

    New Member saying Hi to everyone and a Ribble Endurance SLe owner

    Beautiful bike and welcome! Hang around, you’ll enjoy it here.
  4. Viking1

    Bike ‘slipped’ when turning corner, twice!

    Try to avoid riding on any painted lines as they as less porous than asphalt, thus reduced traction.
  5. Viking1

    Fulfilling a dream

    Maybe a “prune smoothie” would be a good choice for your “regular” customers!! 😉
  6. Viking1

    Rode my acoustic today.

    I had to get rid of my acoustic when I retired, as we are full time RV, so only so much room. I gave it to my old co worker, as he expressed interest in her. She was a Dekra D Drive with shaft drive and a 3 speed Nexus hub. I still miss her.
  7. Viking1

    Rode my acoustic today.

    PLAYED my acoustic today! Does that count? As you can see, I am a MOPAR guy too.
  8. Viking1

    Biking days are over.

    Sorry to hear the situation NH! Never good news to be handed. My wife’s father is going through the same scenario, and like him you will be in our prayers as well!
  9. Viking1

    Just for fun...

    Five out of four people have trouble with fractions.
  10. Viking1

    Just for fun...

    Put a pine tree air freshener in the cab and then remind her of the pine cones in the air box. ;)
  11. Viking1

    How Do You Carry Your Tools?

    Here is a Top Peak multi tool I keep Velcro strapped to my bars as well.
  12. Viking1

    How Do You Carry Your Tools?

    I use panniers, and keep the tools inside a zippered money bag from my bank. Small, flat, and strong enough, and if it gets a hole or tear, the bank is happy to give me another one! Did I mention they are FREE?
  13. Viking1

    New member

    Welcome! Thanks for the nice auto-biography as well, it feels like with that type of introduction we already “know” you. Sounds like you made a good decision on your bike and lucky for you to be able to rent different models until you found what works best for you. Most of us have to buy and...
  14. Viking1

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Yup, gotta get up and atom!!
  15. Viking1

    Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

    Here are a few shots of Baseline Road Trailhead in Ocala, FL. Basically a paved multi loop trail that was not crowded and also has a 24 hole disc golf course we played as well.
  16. Viking1

    Getting good grades

    The compass I showed may do the trick for you. It has an inclinometer built in. Your frame is flat, just not level. With the compass the rotating bezel will do your math for you, just hold the compass‘ flat measuring side to your frame, rotate the bezel to zero, and you’re calibrated, now...
  17. Viking1

    Why not a Meet and Greet?

    Sounds like fun!
  18. Viking1

    Watt's Occurring?

    Wow, nice synopsis. One question, with the front hub motor gear shifting is optional as whatever selected gear has no effect on the motor performance. That said are you using your mid drive in the same manner as a “single speed” or actually using the gears to match the terrain ridden?
  19. Viking1

    Howdy from SE Texas

    Beautiful area there. I had a friend when I was in the Army who lived in Orange. Some weekends we would load up the motorcycles and head south from where we were stationed in Kansas to there for a good shrimp boil. My wife and I are headed that way in March on my way to Athens, TX for me to go...