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  1. D

    Car replacement

    I've been riding my new ebike for 2 weeks and have barely used my car at all. I'm looking to try and use my ebike as much as possible all year round and maybe not bother to insure my car at all for spring and summer next year. This will save me $500 not having to insure a car that just sits in...
  2. D

    $2500 for Fat Bike budget

    I've been riding the Voltbike Yukon 750 for 2 weeks now. I'm a complete newbie to ebiking (last rode any kind of bike 35 years ago!) I love it. It was a coin toss between the Yukon and the Radrover. The 2 bikes seem almost identical and after I crunched the numbers I think the price...
  3. D

    Wait a minute. How fast do Voltbikes ship?

    Calicoskies, I got mine 2 weeks ago and love it, ride it every day. The only problem I have had is that the front brake line was not properly secured to the forks and was rubbing on the wheel rib. In now have a hole in the line and hydraulic fluid leaked all over the brake mechanism and wheel...
  4. D

    VoltBike Trio from Facebook Page

    Wow That looks awesome.
  5. D

    Why do we ebike?

    I don't want to get off topic here but I consider ebiking to be significantly cheaper than a car or an analogue bike. I figure that a full charge on my ebike battery will take me 75km (45m) and cost 1c, driving would cost me $12CAD to pay for gas, analogue bike burning 1200 calories would cost...
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    Why do we ebike?

    I did put in an explanation that fun should be lumped in with health because nothing is more healthier than having fun. But perhaps your right, maybe having fun should be a stand alone category.
  7. D

    Is Tombo's bicycle from Kiki's Delivery Service possible in real life?

    My great grandfather did it but could never find a bike rack to lock it up.
  8. D

    Why do we ebike?

    Firstly, I would like to apologise if this subject has been previously covered. I'm new to these forums but could not find this subject covered when I searched threads. I am really curious as to why people choose to use an ebike. We have a broad spectrum of needs, restrictions, geographical...
  9. D

    US proposes 25% tariffs on Chinese ebikes

    These import tariffs are a politic game, they have nothing to do with economics and will hurt the US economy more than they will help it. If you believe that these tariffs will stimulate US bike manufacturers, set up your own company, make these products and see whether you can compete. You...
  10. D

    My Wife Was On TV Talking About Ebikes

    Thumbs up to you and her. She is a great advert for out whole community. Be proud of her.
  11. D

    Is there a term for this?

    I discovered this technique this week. Initially I felt guilty for" ghost pedalling". Then realty kicked in and I justify it to myself by telling myself that it is cheaper and greener to use electric fuel than to use human fuel, ie food. I'm good with it now.
  12. D

    Wait a minute. How fast do Voltbikes ship?

    If it helps you any, I ordered my bike on May 12th and had it delivered on June 12th. One month exactly. In fairness their website clearly stated that they were out of stock and that they were taking preorders back in May. I live a couple of hours away from their Vancouver HQ so shipping to me...
  13. D

    Can we change the culture?

    I'm very new to this ebike thing. I rode my new ebike to work over the last 3 days. Every time I've looked out to the bike rack at work there has been someone jealously drooling over my Voltbike 750 Ltd. Most cyclists have been very complimentary about my monster. One person told me that I...
  14. D

    Ebike market crowded....shakeout imminent?

    There seems to be a lot of good analysis of the ebike market stated here on this thread but I'm not sure that the original post has much merit. Sure, there are a lot of small manufacturers coming in to the market but that does not necessarily mean that the market is overcrowded. There is a lot...
  15. D

    Wait a minute. How fast do Voltbikes ship?

    I got my Yukon 750 Ltd delivered today. Yippeee. Preorder placed on May 12, Voltbike website stated that they were sold out and they were expecting new delivery on May20th, fair enough. Website was later updated to say delivery was delayed, new date for them to receive was May 27th. A little...
  16. D

    Any "VoltBike Ambassadors" here?

    Not yet. I'm still waiting for my Yukon 750 Ltd to be delivered. My bike was shipped yesterday and I live a couple of hours from their Vancouver HQ so hopefully it arrives today. I did have a test ride with a local ambassador before ordering my bike and obviously found it useful. If I'm happy...
  17. D

    Wait a minute. How fast do Voltbikes ship?

    Ordered the Yukon 750 Ltd on May 12. Phoned this morning and told it will be shipped tomorrow by courier so I should get it tomorrow afternoon. Will update tomorrow.
  18. D

    Wait a minute. How fast do Voltbikes ship?

    Thanks for the update. I've been waiting 3 weeks for my Yukon 750 ltd. Now I have to wait and see how many back orders there are ahead of me, I assume they will ship according to when orders were received.
  19. D

    What to expect with a direct sales bike?

    I think there is a tendency to assume that if something goes wrong with a direct sale bike, then it is because it was a direct sale bike. The truth is that will always be issues with some new bikes and often there is no correlation between the fault and the way it was sold. I am also...