My Wife Was On TV Talking About Ebikes

Ditto to the above. And what a great town to live in, too! A very nice story. Your wife is beautiful and gracious. You too, am sure!
Thanks, everybody! Bonnie appreciated all the comments. BTW, she got her ham radio license last week and I'm proud of her for that, too.
Nice article. Sorry to hear about the COPD, Bruce. Hope the extra exercise helps you get stronger!
Bonnie wasn't kidding when she said how much difference the CCS has made for my COPD. I'm less affected by it than I've been in maybe 10 years. I think I could get back to backpacking before long if this improvement continues. Thanks for your kind comment, @harryS.
Bonnie wasn't kidding when she said how much difference the CCS has made for my COPD. I'm less affected by it than I've been in maybe 10 years. I think I could get back to backpacking before long if this improvement continues. Thanks for your kind comment, @harryS.

Bonnie did a great job! After riding my new bike yesterday for a couple hours I can see where there is a BIG health benefit to e-bikes. The cool thing is, it can improve peoples lives from those the have COPD to bad joints and lots of examples in between. Wow, a mode or therapy that's fun!