2022 Creo Evo remote buttons, the Mastermind TCU and Mission Control


New Member
My Creo came with the remote buttons installed. They work for changing power assist. My question is how do I use them to change the display screen on the TCU. I have Mission Control paired to the bike. And have set up Mission Control "change display" with the screens I want. I was able through Mission Control to (finally) get the TCU opening screen at start up to display the screen I want (not the default) and to display a different screen during a ride pause.
All the Specialized literature and YouTube info I can find references using buttons F1 and F2 to cycle through TCU screens. These buttons come with other models, not on the Creo. When you set up the Mastermind TCU (units, time, clock, etc), the remote buttons on the Creo can function as F1 and F2 by holding a 2 second long press. Once you leave TCU setup though this no longer works.
I believe changing the TCU screens during a ride should be possible. Mission Control has let me set up these screens. It knows the bike is a Creo and thus will NOT allow me to set up things the bike can't do. Shuttle for example is not available to Creo. So, if I have all these greatly touted data screens set up, why can't I see them?
I have been in contact with my LBS where purchased. They are getting in touch with Specialized. But I'm hoping this community can be helpful.
Thanks for reading this far. I would like to share a cool feature I haven't seen on any reviews.
Mastermind TCU uses different colored text to denote what assist mode is active. The default TCU screen has the word for the assist (Off, Eco, Sport, Turbo) displayed, in order, white, blue, green and yellow. So, when you change modes, the word and the color change. Here's what's cool though. I have changed the opening screen to show power levels. Any text on that screen (Rider, Motor, Total) is displayed in the color of the assist mode. So even though that screen doesn't textually display anything to do with what assist mode I'm in, I can tell at a glance by the color of the text!
I don't think there are very many Creo users with Mastemind TCU's here yet. I'm always a little nervous around riders peering at their basic TCU displays. I don't know if I want to see someone trying to read their Mastermind TCU while riding. Momentary inattention is the number one cause of accidents.
I don't think there are very many Creo users with Mastemind TCU's here yet. I'm always a little nervous around riders peering at their basic TCU displays. I don't know if I want to see someone trying to read their Mastermind TCU while riding. Momentary inattention is the number one cause of accidents.
That's why I added the Credo remote buttons to my bike. I just did not find it user/biker friendly to have to peer between my legs and then hit the button to increase->decrease power.

@GeoAZUSA Hope you get an answer. I've got the older model Creo.
I have a mastermind Creo and the same question. I think it boils down to: Is there a way for the remote buttons on the Creo to fill in for F1 and F2?

Outside of that, I've been able to change the pause screen but not the startup screen. How'd you do it?
My Creo came with the remote buttons installed. They work for changing power assist. My question is how do I use them to change the display screen on the TCU. I have Mission Control paired to the bike. And have set up Mission Control "change display" with the screens I want. I was able through Mission Control to (finally) get the TCU opening screen at start up to display the screen I want (not the default) and to display a different screen during a ride pause.
All the Specialized literature and YouTube info I can find references using buttons F1 and F2 to cycle through TCU screens. These buttons come with other models, not on the Creo. When you set up the Mastermind TCU (units, time, clock, etc), the remote buttons on the Creo can function as F1 and F2 by holding a 2 second long press. Once you leave TCU setup though this no longer works.
I believe changing the TCU screens during a ride should be possible. Mission Control has let me set up these screens. It knows the bike is a Creo and thus will NOT allow me to set up things the bike can't do. Shuttle for example is not available to Creo. So, if I have all these greatly touted data screens set up, why can't I see them?
I have been in contact with my LBS where purchased. They are getting in touch with Specialized. But I'm hoping this community can be helpful.
Thanks for reading this far. I would like to share a cool feature I haven't seen on any reviews.
Mastermind TCU uses different colored text to denote what assist mode is active. The default TCU screen has the word for the assist (Off, Eco, Sport, Turbo) displayed, in order, white, blue, green and yellow. So, when you change modes, the word and the color change. Here's what's cool though. I have changed the opening screen to show power levels. Any text on that screen (Rider, Motor, Total) is displayed in the color of the assist mode. So even though that screen doesn't textually display anything to do with what assist mode I'm in, I can tell at a glance by the color of the text!
Perhaps there will be a firmware update sometime soon that will allow new Creo owners to integrate this feature into the Mastermind TCD via the road remotes. Like @kahn, I have the older version with remotes on my Creo.

That being said, I have the Mastermind TCU on my 2022 Levo which sports the handle bar control. Overall, it’s quite a marvelous piece of tech and I do use microtune quite often but I still have come to rely upon the larger display of my Garmin head unit which is perched to the left of my stem cap simply because it’s just easier to read. Anyways, I hope that that the folks over at Specialized together with your LBS are able to find a work around for you.

I have a mastermind Creo and the same question. I think it boils down to: Is there a way for the remote buttons on the Creo to fill in for F1 and F2?

Outside of that, I've been able to change the pause screen but not the startup screen. How'd you do it?
It is unfortunate Specialized has this kind of tech without available documentation or education.
When I asked my LBS how to change the default screen, their reply was "well, you can't."
But, you can! And it's easy to do once explained.
This is on an android phone.
Open Mission Control app. Turn on bike.
Select Tune
Select change display.
On that screen (image below) the listed screens are in the order they will appear on the TCU. Select the line you want for the opening default screen and drag it to the top by pressing and dragging on the three bars on the far right. Everything can be sorted like you want, not just moved to number one.


  • Mission Control sorting screens_Edited.jpg
    Mission Control sorting screens_Edited.jpg
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Ha! That's clever. And 100% undocumented AFAICT.

My next gripe: I can reset the mastermind display for a new ride by holding the - button for ~5 sec. Displayed distance goes back to zero, as it should. But this does not reset distance on my turbo connect display. I'm still looking for a way to do that. I would have thought that selecting "new ride" in Mission Control would reset distance on both displays, but in my experience it does neither.

I can find a lot about how to use displays on a turbo SL bike with mastermind. But nearly all of it is directed toward using the handlebar control unit with +, -, F1, and F2 buttons. Display software and documentation for the Turbo Creo seems to be lagging behind.
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Found the answer to resetting the TCD for a new ride. Hold both display buttons 'til you see "release to 0" It's in this video from Spec:

I can't find this in the printed instructions that came with the display. Seems like it ought to be there!
Found the answer to resetting the TCD for a new ride. Hold both display buttons 'til you see "release to 0" It's in this video from Spec:

I can't find this in the printed instructions that came with the display. Seems like it ought to be there!
I was going to tell you that. Although, I still find it awkward to get both buttons pressed at the same time, like about an hour ago. The TCD is not tied to the bike's other controls like Mission Control. Although, you need Mission control to update the TCD. Oh, Specialized does not have to be logical or consistent.

The reset is probably in those micro-print instructions where it explains how to set the clock/etc. Ah, yes, obscure. Instruction 5 Sub-I (capital i)
Yeah, a bit awkward. To start a new ride from zero requires 3 actions: select New Ride on Mission Control, reset MasterMind display with "-" button, and reset TCD with double-press. Since they all three talk to each other, I could wish that one action would be enough. As it is, I found the 3 actions documented in 3 different places.

I'm loving the bike. I'm finding the user interface a bit immature, but trying to treat it as part of the fun.
Yeah, a bit awkward. To start a new ride from zero requires 3 actions: select New Ride on Mission Control, reset MasterMind display with "-" button, and reset TCD with double-press. Since they all three talk to each other, I could wish that one action would be enough. As it is, I found the 3 actions documented in 3 different places.

I'm loving the bike. I'm finding the user interface a bit immature, but trying to treat it as part of the fun.
Well, not that I have the power up/down buttons on the handlebar, I only use the top tube thingie to turn the bike on. I really, really do not miss looking between my legs and reaching there to change the power. Plus I did not like the cycle power button press sequence. Press up, Press Up, Press Up, Press down and around you go....
Hey, hey, hey! Have to give Specialized support a big thumbs up. When a chat session couldn't resolve this problem, someone from Engineering/programming called me. With a phone call, I learned how to make it work. Also the tech guy admitted they knew this (and some other info) was omitted from documentation and they are working to fix that.
So without further ado.
There is a difference in function between double clicking and quickly releasing buttons + and - vs double clicking and holding the click until the screen changes.
Holding a long click will initiate the TCU settings menu.
A quickly released double click will cycle the TCU screen. Quick double click required to move thru each screen.
Perhaps there will be a firmware update sometime soon that will allow new Creo owners to integrate this feature into the Mastermind TCD via the road remotes. Like @kahn, I have the older version with remotes on my Creo.

That being said, I have the Mastermind TCU on my 2022 Levo which sports the handle bar control. Overall, it’s quite a marvelous piece of tech and I do use microtune quite often but I still have come to rely upon the larger display of my Garmin head unit which is perched to the left of my stem cap simply because it’s just easier to read. Anyways, I hope that that the folks over at Specialized together with your LBS are able to find a work around for you.

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When you want to change the face, just tap the extra buttons at the same time, but don’t hold down. Just a quick tap and it will change