Zzipper Bicycle Fairing for Electric Bikes?

I have a Sport, and will be getting an St1 Platinum likely this next week. Am wondering what you all think of the Zzipper fairings?

I had one back in the 80's and it seemed to make a bit of a difference, am thinking with the faster speeds of the Stromer, it might be worth it to try one again, should extend battery life a bit, and might help top speed a bit. IIRC, they only gave about a 10% gain for an upright bike an they were banned from competition pretty quickly.

I still see them on recumbents, but haven't seen one on a diamond style frame in forever. The smaller one was the one that gave the better airflow, I recall it was noisy and pretty flexible, the larger ones that covered the leg area wasn't a significant improvement.

zzipper-bicycle-fairing.jpg teardrop-bike-fairing.jpg

They also made the steering more sensitive to crosswinds, as it's handlebar mounted.
hmm. I would consider one for winter commuting if I found that pogies did not provide sufficent warmth.
I was considering one for cutting down on wind noise until I bought my much-less-expensive Wind-Blox. Write-up coming soon on those. I've only used them a few times so far, and want to give myself more time to get a feel for them before writing about them.
I was considering one for cutting down on wind noise until I bought my much-less-expensive Wind-Blox. Write-up coming soon on those. I've only used them a few times so far, and want to give myself more time to get a feel for them before writing about them.

The Zzippers are pretty loud when you go over bumps, I don't think it/they would meet your needs.
I have a Sport, and will be getting an St1 Platinum likely this next week. Am wondering what you all think of the Zzipper fairings?

I had one back in the 80's and it seemed to make a bit of a difference, am thinking with the faster speeds of the Stromer, it might be worth it to try one again, should extend battery life a bit, and might help top speed a bit. IIRC, they only gave about a 10% gain for an upright bike an they were banned from competition pretty quickly.

I still see them on recumbents, but haven't seen one on a diamond style frame in forever. The smaller one was the one that gave the better airflow, I recall it was noisy and pretty flexible, the larger ones that covered the leg area wasn't a significant improvement.

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They also made the steering more sensitive to crosswinds, as it's handlebar mounted.

Don't know where you ride or how you ride, but I try to NOT to draw attention to my eBike (if you know what I mean), and a fairing would definitely draw attention.

Would like to know how much faster the ST1 Platinum cruise speed is than the Elite, in the real world... I cruise at 24 mph without too much effort on my Elite.
Don't know where you ride or how you ride, but I try to NOT to draw attention to my eBike (if you know what I mean), and a fairing would definitely draw attention.

Would like to know how much faster the ST1 Platinum cruise speed is than the Elite, in the real world... I cruise at 24 mph without too much effort on my Elite.

The Platinum motor cuts out at just over 28mp/h so your not that far behind the Platinums' top speed.