Well done @Ravi , starting an ebike co. from scratch with todays issues & competition( i do hv to say that there may not be ANY competition for what is being offered , simply b/c as u r very well aware nobody dared to produce reliable, very well specd and powerfull ebikes with a solid multi year warranty for under 4.5-5k for a Gen. 4 Boch or under 2.5k as is the case with the rear hub motor Shakti ! !
At both price points and for the 2 ebikes specs there is literally almost zero equal offerings....
Let me study the Samurai now... i would like to build a full Grin tech equipped ebike but your product is on equal footing ! And the warranty may be the decisive winning advantage in Zen's favour
Q's for the Shakti model :
What size (width) is the thru axle ?
What company makes the motor ? You may have written about this in other threads, i missed it.
Q's for Samurai model :
None here, all is very clear and we know the website is not fully ready with all details, specs, etc...the most imp. things are well described.
This is a wishful thinking , but why couldn't have them fabricate the Shakti frame to accept a 2nd battery ?
And an even more wishful thinking

would be to offer a 2x750wh for Samurai. 2x500wh is okay, but 750's would be enough for all types of rec. riders/ long commuters . Os that due to Bosch system ? But i rem. they do offer a 625wh pack , a bit moe WH .
I'm sure, i'm hardly the only one carrying 2 spares (672wh each in my case) when going for a min. 50miles ride ON a class 3 ebike (some may be ok with 19-20mph but if ebikers want to keep it @ 24-26mph and enjoy this fairly decent speeds then many WH are a must.