Wife's new Turbo is home...

John Dombrowski

Active Member
Picked hers up today...Still waiting for my S.
She thinks it is the greatest thing ever made.
Removed the mirror and the handlebar and seat reflectors. The Schwabe tires didn't get delivered but after riding these all day we just decided to keep the stock tires for a while.

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useless on top. all you see is your arm. and if i swing it below i just cant get a good view and it is just in the way. easy enough to just turn my head just like when driving my car.
Ok, wouldn't know because mine never had one. But I still see a lot of bikes (normal) with mirrors so I guess some people think mirrors are useful.
John, If you carefully bend the bar the mirror is attacvhed to, you can get the mirror to work well when mounted below the bar. I did this (finally) on my Turbo. See attached:

So I got her Thudbuster ST in today and it was a piece of cake to drill a hole in the top for the seat light. Got it out of the box and up and riding in 30 minutes.
Her back brakes are squeaking already though. What are you all doing to remedy this? From what I read this is pretty common.
Squeak is likely just some light rubbing off the break pads. Disc brakes are actually quite easy to adjust if you are comfortable loosening two Allen bolts. Plenty of YouTube tutorials out there for that!

In essence, you loosen the two bolts that hold the brake to the frame, then apply the brake lever, continuing to hold your self or with an elastic band or clamp on the handle bar. Then simply re tighten the bolts. That will straighten the alignment of the calipers and disc.
I don't think that's the problem. It's not rubbing. Only squeaks when I brake. Just some glazing on the pads from what I read. Bike only has about 30 miles on it. I will just have to learn what to use to get the glaze off the pads.
Anyone with a new base turbo recommend new better pads?
I don't think that's the problem. It's not rubbing. Only squeaks when I brake. Just some glazing on the pads from what I read. Bike only has about 30 miles on it. I will just have to learn what to use to get the glaze off the pads.
Anyone with a new base turbo recommend new better pads?
There's a process to break in, or bed in all new disk brake pads, whether factory or replacement. Some bike manuals include the process, but many don't. This is a good article that explains that bed in process.


You could also replace the pads with organic compound pads if you can't quiet the factory set. Organic pads have better stopping power and are generally quieter, but often won't last as long.
Hurts my ears. Haha. And besides for what I paid for this and being that these turbo's are supposed to be known for their super quietness, there is no way I will ride around like this. I will learn how to fix this for every time it arises. From what I have been watching and reading, it's not that hard to fix. Just part of riding a bike.
The pads on my Base Model weren't bedded correctly by my dealer. I have tried Everything, resurfacing and cleaning, multiple realignments........on and on. I am on my second set of pads, I went with inexpensive pads...http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FS2M0L2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00
These pads work just as well braking wise, but also squeek. I can't stand any noise coming from my bike.
The only thing that I have found that quiets them down completely is Swissstop Disk Brake Silencer. You remove the pads and clean them and the rotor with isoprophel alcohol, spray a light coat of the Swissstop, let it dry and reinstall. The whole procedure only takes a few minutes. Then you do a normal bedding and have completely silent brakes. The only rub is it only lasts a few hundred miles depending on your braking.
Next pad replacement I will use Swissstop pads, they have the silencing compound already in the pad.
I tried everything! Scoured the net for days....... I think my problem was the brakes not having been bedded correctly when they were new. I didn't want to replace the rotors, I still don't. I have only owned three bike with disk brakes, they have all been noisy at some point.