Why are Threads Being Deleted because Someone Complains

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Please explain to me how off topic discussions that seem to be going along just fine. Suddenly gets deleted because the Resident Crybaby makes a vulgar comment . Then doesn't like it when someone refutes him.
I don't get it . Are we not allowed Freedom to Speak if it risks offending Obnoxiousness

Even Worse the Trouble Maker who who thinks nothing of insulting others or being Vulgar , Is always the cause of the thread being deleted because he was offended and angry.
This is a problem

It's ridiculous Almost to the point of it being intentional and the reason for entering the discussion .

What am I saying ? I know why the thread was Deleted . ;) Primordial ooze caused it
I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but I agree in general. Deleting threads should be a last resort. I can think of one thread that should have been deleted, and was; I'm sure there are others, but if the thread has any value at all I think maybe offending posts should be deleted and/or offending members should be warned or given a time-out instead of deleting a whole thread. I'm all for keeping things civil, but not at the expense of cutthroat moderation.

Well, Barry, I guess we got a little too off topic for the moderator¨s comfort zone. It´s moot anyway since Scotus shot down
what´s-his-face´s last ditch chance to further divide us, & which was really just a ploy to hoover up more money from the gullible anyway.
For me there is now a very slight glimmer of hope for the human race. I´d never use facebook or twitter & yahoo shut down comments months
ago. I am content to have vented some small portion of frustration accumulated these last 4 years.🥳
Censorship is bad in all forums... whatever happened to the days of rational debate? ;)

Forums are not a democracy. They are owned and moderated by the owner or helpers. They make the decisions, that's how it works. Surprised that's not common knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, a forum like this doesn't even need an Off-Topic section. Twitter and Facebook have that covered really well. Edit; What happened to the good ole days? Social media and computers. It lets people sit at home and just say any kind of crap they want to. Things that so many would never say to someone's face. The far end of the scale are people that enjoy instigating an argument and making people mad.
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Well, Barry, I guess we got a little too off topic for the moderator¨s comfort zone. It´s moot anyway since Scotus shot down
what´s-his-face´s last ditch chance to further divide us, & which was really just a ploy to hoover up more money from the gullible anyway.
For me there is now a very slight glimmer of hope for the human race. I´d never use facebook or twitter & yahoo shut down comments months
ago. I am content to have vented some small portion of frustration accumulated these last 4 years.🥳
John The world ending > You think the way you think because the Truth is being shut down. After all The Topic was outside the Mod's Comfort Zone? That's the whole problem > How can someone's words physically harm someone ? Hurt their feelings or anger them ? SOOOO WHAT . You're old enough to remember sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me. Today the mindset is You're not seeing those sticks and stones being thrown even though that's exactly what you see . But words and what we exhale when we breath is destroying the Planet LOL ;) That's the whole problem > You and I could be friends and argue vigorously in total disagreement _ So what ??? DEBATE is healthy . The world is about to explode That's a fact I have on an authority that is never wrong >
Forums are not a democracy. They are owned and moderated by the owner or helpers. They make the decisions, that's how it works. Surprised that's not common knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, a forum like this doesn't even need an Off-Topic section. Twitter and Facebook have that covered really well. Edit; What happened to the good ole days? Social media and computers. It lets people sit at home and just say any kind of crap they want to. Things that so many would never say to someone's face. The far end of the scale are people that enjoy instigating an argument and making people mad.

*This post is disputed and contains false information. You may not reply, respond or like the above comment which has been deleted*

While I agree with you EBR shouldn’t have a off-topics section I don’t think starting to censor and delete posts is the answer. Once that door is opened we see what it leads to and current events is a perfect example of that. Whether you approve or disapprove of what you’re reading, supporting censorship invariably will come back to you. It’s very important to keep in mind that tech companies doing the censoring to Trump also do the bidding of very brutal Governments throughout the world. These tech companies support totalitarian governments thru censorship(ex:Google/Tianneman) so they can have acc€$$ to the lucrative markets with the huge populations those Governments rule.

Censorship also suppresses critical thinking. Internet forums don’t work as you describe. They use Government communications infrastructure payed for by taxpayers to facilitate their operations. The internet is a utility at this stage in 2020 and beyond. How would you feel if your cell phone company provider cancelled your contract and banned you from using their cell towers if they didn’t approve of your politics or what you say in your conversations and texts using “their” cell towers?
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John The world ending > You think the way you think because the Truth is being shut down. After all The Topic was outside the Mod's Comfort Zone? That's the whole problem > How can someone's words physically harm someone ? Hurt their feelings or anger them ? SOOOO WHAT . You're old enough to remember sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me. Today the mindset is You're not seeing those sticks and stones being thrown even though that's exactly what you see . But words and what we exhale when we breath is destroying the Planet LOL ;) That's the whole problem > You and I could be friends and argue vigorously in total disagreement _ So what ??? DEBATE is healthy . The world is about to explode That's a fact I have on an authority that is never wrong >
Indeed, debate is healthy,...even when yur wrong.😇
Censorship is bad in all forums... whatever happened to the days of rational debate? ;)

View attachment 74063
God bless Archie Bunker! He wasn´t a racist; he hated everybody, an equal opportunity bigot.. P.C. has been carried way too far
when you drop Redskins from the team´s name. To begin with, the term ´Native American´'is obscenely patronizing. DId you
see any injun protests demanding the name´s removal? I doubt injuns could give a healthy. Personally, I liked having a picture of
a Native American/ First Nations/ indigenous/ aboriginal on the helmet.
"To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture. Enjoy, sir, your insensibility of feeling and reflecting. It is the prerogative of animals." - Thomas Paine, American patriot
Debate isn't really possible between people who can't agree on what the facts are.

"To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture. Enjoy, sir, your insensibility of feeling and reflecting. It is the prerogative of animals." - Thomas Paine, American patriot
I keep a collection of Thomas Paine in my bookmarks, ¨ My religion is to do good,¨"he said. Too bad more people haven´t taken up that one.
Debate isn't really possible between people who can't agree on what the facts are.
facts require actual evidence . Not just a claim with no proof. That someone is right because they listen to Main Stream Media . Besides how can you have a debate with people who censor what you say ? Don't say that doesn't happen all the time . Parler and Rumble wouldn't be gaining so many Users if FB Twitter etc weren't censoring one side over another . That's the whole issue . One side isn't allowed to present their case
I keep a collection of Thomas Paine in my bookmarks, ¨ My religion is to do good,¨"he said. Too bad more people haven´t taken up that one.

holding humanity in contempt
While this part is being treated as an instruction, is doing good even possible?
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